Issue #14

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Everyone looked at you in disbelief. You stood there, without your helmet or gear, as you told them everything. How you were really Kraken and how the real you was locked away in some unknown place. Kraken told them everything he knew. He didn't call all the Champions, just the founding members along with Amka and Nadia.

Sam: So this whole time you were just, a fake?

Kraken: Yes.

Brawn: Why tell us about this now?

Kraken sighed.

Kraken: Because over the last few months I, you all changed me. I don't know how or why but you all showed me what it meant it to be good. As much as I hate to admit this, you guys made me want to do good.

Nadia: Why did you even do it in the first place?

Kraken: Because my father told me to. The only man who had ever looked at me as more than some monster. I took Y/N down and he took care of the rest. I have no idea where he is or what happened to him after.

Viv: I do.

Everyone looked at her as Timber appeared next to her.

Kamala: What do you mean? You know where Y/N is?

Viv nodded.

Viv: It took me some time before I learned that Kraken was indeed not Y/N. I tracked him down to a facility in the Artic known as the Theater. A prison for cybernetic prisoners.

Miles: Cybernetic? Y/N doesn't have any cybernetics.

Nadia: Unless the Doctor implanted some in him.

She turned around and grabbed Kraken by his collar before slamming him against the wall.

Nadia: He's locked up in some prison! What did you do to him!

Kraken: I already told you! I took him to the Doctor and he did the rest! I didn't know about any if this!

Nadia let go and turned away. Kraken rubbed his neck before he sighed.

Kraken: Look, you guys can come with me or stay here. Either way, I'm going to break him out.

Sam: Of course we're going! Not for you though. Y/N is our friend.

Kraken: I could care less your reason.

Amka looked at him for a moment.

Amka: You want to do what's right.

Kraken just nodded.

Kraken: I'm done playing my father's games.
You laid on your bed as you looked at the roof of your cell. It must've been a full day since you had gotten Viv's letter. You were just waiting now. She knew you were here and it was only a matter of time before she told the others.

Bear: You are being visited by Arnold Wilson!

You sat up as your door opened. In came Wilson aka the Theater's warden and creator. The man looked at you and smiled.

Wilson: Mr. 3030. It is truly good to have this opportunity to speak to you.

You simply watched him as he grabbed your chair from your desk. He sat down and turned to you.

Wilson: Now, you must be wondering why I am here.

Y/N: It might have crossed my mind.

Wilson: You see Mr. 3030, you have been absolutely dominating the Stage with your performance. You have grown quite the fan base.

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