Issue #17

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Washington DC...

Miles Morales. Spider-Man. Champion.

Spider-Man: It was an accident. Accidents happen.

Senator Patrick: You must have felt so frightened. So alone and unsupported. It seems that the Champions have had a great number of these...accidents.

Spider-Man: No more than our fair share.

Riri Williams. Ironheart. Champion.

Riri: I pled the fifth.

Senator Patrick: That's not necessary. You're not on trial, Ms. Williams.

Riri: Oh, for sure? Seems like it.

Senator Patrick: Are you chewing gum?

Riri: Did you want a piece?

Carol Denvers. Captain Marvel. Avenger.

Carol: They're just kids.

Senator Patrick: Yes, they are, Colonel Devers. I know you previously led a small task force of young heroes. Two of them became the villains Discord and Lockdown did they not? That must have been upsetting for you.

Carol: Well...I....

Falcon. Champion.

Falcon: We've had our problems, but we do this on our own. And the people who's lives we save? I don't hear them complaining.

Senator Patrick: Certainly, Falcon. I'm sure that work must feel very rewarding. Now we understand that you had a great deal of mentorship from Sam Wilson. Would you say that's been valuable?

Falcon: Huh? Yeah. I mean of course.

Scientist: The adolescent brain. You can see here the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until age 25. This affects impulse control, risk-taking behaviors...

Nadia Van Dyne. Wasp. Champion.

Senator Patrick: Miss Van Dyne, our files indicate that you were raised in the lethal agent training center known as the Red Room. First of all, I'm so sorry for what you must have endured.

Nadia: Th-Thank you.

Senator Patrick: I can't imagine, as someone so young, the adults around you allowing you to become a child soldier. That's certainly something we would not want to emulate here.

Nadia: Is that....Is that a question?

Steve Rogers. Captain America. Avenger.

Cap: Now listen, I see what you are trying to accomplish. But I would not be here today if someone didn't give me a chance to show what I could do when I was their age. Kids like me? We were young and fearless. We belived in laying our lives on the line for freedom. And for that they called us the greatest generation. I don't see how this is any different.

Vision. Avenger.

Senator Patrick: Vision, at the tragedy, wasn't it your daughter Viv Vision who...Vision? Mr. Vision?

Nikki L/N. Kraken. Champion.

Senator Patrick: From what I understand, you and Leviathan were brothers...

Kraken: Are.

Senator Patrick: I'm sorry to remind you but his body was never found.

Kraken: He is still alive.

Sam Alexander. Nova. Champion.

Senator Patrick: Thank you for coming today, Nova. May I begin with a question about your helmet?

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