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When they left the twins who were Jack and Jake. Jack said "I think they were right" Jake said "What!!" "I'm just kidding" said Jack then they went on to train they continued beating bad guys.

2 weeks later

They were training and they heard the Anti villain alert and they went to fight so they arrived and the hotspot and saw IS(Injustice) robbing a bank and they just flew into action and started to fight but the IS were to strong so they retreated and LoJ later handled that case but were badly Bruised so was IS, IS later Retreated so the twins heard on the news that The LoJ successfully protected the bank but were unable to protect the money so Jack heard so Jack said "I think they were right" and Jake said "please tell me your kidding" "No I'm not this time if we don't make the right decision now it's over, it's now or never" said Jack Jake said "No we can't be seen running around with some Idiots!!."I always thought you were a hero" these were the words of his brother Jack, Jack was the White one so he was about leaving when his brother Jake said "Do not take another step!!" and they argued a lot till it turned to a fight and they both beat each other but neither one could win they both were black and blue (Badly Bruised) and Jack and Jake split up. Jack walked out leaping and mouth bleeding Jake to left with a fractured wrist and they went different ways. Jack realised a tear run down his eye while being same for Jake simultaneously, Jack thought "why Jake why will you be so stupid" While Jake said "Why would you say such a stupid thing Jack".

The Next Morning


"Who's there" said Isabelle and a voice said it's me Jack the twin who you (ahh this is useless blah blah blah" so she open and Jack said Hlo and she said "Shut up and come in" and he came in and explained the whole story and the believed him a little so the put him to the test and he passed BLAH BLAH BLAH

So things were going on well and he had his first mission in the team and he Accomplished it.

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