Chapter 7: Getting to know each other

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Minho's POV

Lunch was about to end and I was heading out the cafeteria for dance class. But, when I walked passed my brothers table I heard something that caught my attention. "Guys, I honestly have no idea what's happening to me anymore. Like, why do I keep getting hurt? I don't do anything dangerous!" I heard, one of Felix's friend say. Or to be, specific the kid Binnie keeps warning me about.

While walking, to the dance room I thought about what I heard earlier. How strange that whenever I seem to get an injury he gets something similar but not as severe I thought. Maybe, this is just a coincidence it's not what I think it is. No, that's just desperate talk. Finally, I made it the dance room no one else but my partner has the key so I started to warm up.

It's a new year, which means I have a partner for the first time ever. Since, apparently the 1st year dancers are uneven and one student still needs a partner. I did a quick warm up to prepare myself to meet my partner.

(Ahem the WaRmUp)

Jisung's POV

Lunch ended, and I was on my way to one of the dance rooms. I don't know why, I decided to sign up for dance. I guess, since it's just something else I can do instead of PE. Although, I heard my partner isn't a 1st year like me he's a few years older. Apparently, my dance teacher has a uneven amount of kids in her class. So, here I am at the door and I opened it only to see Lee Know Felix's older brother.

When I walked in, he was so focused on his dance he didn't notice me. Not gonna lie, but his dance was really elegant and I hate to admit this but he was really hot at that moment. When he finished, he was sweating slightly but it was still quite a sight to see. Wait! Jisung! Stop thinking this! Sure, he's hot but you don't even know him! I thought having a battle with myself.

What I didn't know, though sadly was I had already started drooling and staring at him. "Do you need me to stay still for you or do you wanna get to know one another?" He said, chuckling at the fact that I looked away blushing after he said that. "N-no I'm f-fine. Let's just start, I'm Han Jisung." I said, after getting some courage to look him in the eye again.

"Lee Minho, everyone calls me Lee Know but Felix and my friends. I guess you can too since we'll be working close Jisung." He said, while patting his forehead with a towel. "Wait, how'd you know I know Felix?" I said, although maybe that was a weird question since I was in his house before. "Felix told me about you, not to mention how else did you get in my house?" He said, while looking me in the eye.

School finally ended, for the day and I was heading to the cafe to meet up with the guys. When I arrived, I saw everyone especially I noticed Jeongin smiling while looking at his book. "Hey, umm Innie why are smiling so much at that book?" I said, while sitting in the only seat left which was beside him in the booth. "That's it! From today onward, no one can call me Innie but Hyunjin hyung." He declared, while finally looking up at all of us.

Guess he finally got Hyunjin to notice him today I thought. "Wait, Jeongin why do you have our school uniform?" I asked, and everyone noticed it to that he had a uniform just like ours. "I studied really hard last year, and was able to jump past senior year to join you guys! Not to mention, I'm in the same classes as Hyunjin hyung!" He squealed, but the last part with his crush's name was a dolphin scream sadly..

We all, ended back home safely after we left the cafe. When I got home, it was empty as normal my parents were out again. I went up, to my room and laid on my bed. I pulled out, my phone and decided to text the new contact I got today.

Contact name: Minho hyung


Hello hyung it's me Jisung


Why are you up so late?

Shouldn't I be asking you that? I mean, today was only your first day.

Oh! Your right well night hyung!

I turned off my phone, for some reason I felt happy knowing Minho cared about me sleeping. Wait, why are you happy Jisung? Your just an acquaintance of each other I thought, nothing more.

A few weeks later.

Minho's POV

Recently, Changbin's dreams haven't been too bad lately. But he does, still have dreams and about Jisung we've gotten closer somewhat. I mean, we'll hangout sometimes but I'm still weary of him. Nothing, has happened since the last time I was targeted happened either. But, I did learn something the kid Changbin saw dying was supposedly killed by Jisung..

As for Hyunjin, we stopped visiting his classes lately. Mainly, since the first few times we did come we were glared at by some kid who we now know as Yang Jeongin. Through Hyunjin, we learned Jeongin likes him and he's a bit possessive? I guess, you could say but he still hangs out with us at lunch and of course after school.

For Chan, on the other hand Felix has been a bit possessive as well. Not to be weird, but Felix lately has been secretly threatening every girl that asked Chan out lately. Not that, Chan minds it's just he wants to actually talk with Felix is the problem. I mean, Chan likes my brother but can't confess. Since, we all know he'll just be in danger as well as us.

Changbin, he's been weird lately he's always tailing Seungmin. I guess, he really wants to change his dream from coming true for once. Just like, the other time he tried so hard for it but failed in the end. Also, I'm not sure if Seungmin knows or if he's just happy Changbin's tailing him. Since, from what we know from Hyunjin is that Seungmin likes Bin.

Chapter 7 finally finished! I hope you like the chapter. Also see you next chapter.!


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