Chapter 2

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Killian waited in the waiting room outside the OR. Apparently Emma had some internal bleeding that needed to be taken care of.

Killian was waiting for a call back from the station, he had called in to the station and given the name of the woman, hoping to track down her next of kin. Although it was hard to get reception in this part of the hospital. All he could do was wait for the doctors to give him word about how Emma was doing. He remembered the look in her eyes when she first ran into him. She looked like some kind of monster was after her.

The silence of the waiting room was shattered by Killian's partner Detective Weaver.

"Why the hell haven't you answered your phone?" He asked very loudly.

"The reception isn't good here." Killian said, hoping to calm his partner.

"Where is she?" Weaver asked.

It took Killian a second to realize who Weaver was talking about. "She's still in surgery."

"We're going to have to talk to her as soon as possible. It's all hands on deck from here." Weaver said.

"Why what's going on?" Killian asked.

"You really have no idea, do you?" Weaver asked. "You found Emma Nolan. She's been missing almost five years now. She was believed to be a runaway, but now it looks like she's been held captive all this time. They got patrol closing off the area where she was found. They want us questioning her as soon as possible."

Killian couldn't believe what he was hearing. No wonder she was so on edge, she had escaped from captivity. Then a doctor came through the double doors.

"Detectives?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." Weaver and Killian said at the same time.

"Emma has sustained several lacerations and bruises, her leg was badly damaged, she has several old contusions in her arms, and it looks like she hasn't seen sunlight in years. We're going to have to keep her here for a while." The doctor said.

Before Killian could say anything, Weaver quickly said without emotion, "When can we talk to her?"

"She's in the ICU right now. She's heavily sedated, she'll be out of it for some time." The doctor said.

Weaver seemed frustrated, "Let us know when we can talk to her. Come on Jones." He said.

There was a part of Killian, that wanted to stay there, and make sure Emma was alright.



Emma slowly woke up to the sound of the IV line, that was giving her fluids.


Emma's legs felt stiff. She could barely move them. When she looked down at them, she noticed they were both in casts.

The last thing she remembered was taking the hand of the young officer. Then everything had gone dark for her.

Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps walking towards her.

"Miss Nolan, you're awake." A doctor had said.

"What happened to me?" Emma asked.

"You had some internal bleeding, but we were able to fix it right up. We also had to fix your broken legs. We're also doing some blood test to make sure you don't have any other kinds of diseases." The doctor said rather quickly. "And your parents are on the way."

Her parents, she thought she would never see them again. Now they would be by her side any minute now.

What would she say to them? What did they think happened to her for all these years? What would they think of her?

She wondered what had happened to the officer from earlier.

"Do you know where the officer is?" Emma asked.

"Which officer?" The doctor asked.

"The one I ran into, in the ER. Black hair, blue eyes." She said.

"He's in the waiting room with his partner. They want to talk to you, if you feel up to it."

Emma wanted a chance to talk to him again. He was kind to her in the ER, when all she wanted was to get away from the doctors and nurses that were basically poking at her.

"Yes, I think I can handle it." She said.

"Okay, I'll tell them they can speak to you. Emma, just so you know if at anytime during the interview you feel overwhelmed you can ask them to stop. Just press that red button on the wall, next to your bed, and me or a nurse will come in and ask them to leave." The doctor said.

"Okay." Emma said softly. And then the doctor left the room.

Emma took the moment to really take in her surroundings. Everything was white. White walls, white floor, white sheets. And everything smelled of sanitizer. It was so different from Neal's where everything had a heaviness and gloom to it, and it smelled of beer. She spent most of her time in the darkness of the basement. She smiled to herself, after years of being in the dark she was finally in the light.

A knock on the door distracted her. She recognized him as the officer from the ER. She quickly straightened up as much as she could, almost surprised to see him in her room.

"Hi." He said nervously, almost like he didn't know what to say to her. He walked in with an older man, who seemed to make Emma very nervous.

"Hi." Emma said, trying to focus on the blue eyed detective.

Killian continued, "I'm Detective Killian Jones and this is Detective Weaver. Are you up to answering some questions?"

Emma continued to focus on Detective Jones, "Yes." She said in a quiet voice.

"First we just need to confirm who you are, can you tell us your name?" He asked.

"Emma Nolan." She said.

"Who took you Emma?" Killian asked trying to make this as easy as possible for her.

"Neal Cassidy." She said in a shaky voice. "He lives at 815 Mockingbird Street."

Killian and Weaver were shocked by the information of the criminal's address. "How do you know that, love?" Killian asked her.

"He used to make me clean his house when he wasn't making me do other things. I saw the address on some of the mail he got and memorized it." She told them.

"Now when you say other things, what do you mean?" Detective Weaver asked rather bluntly. Killian wanted to scowled at his partner. Couldn't he see that she was scared about having to answer those kind of questions.

Emma took a deep breath, and said, "He would make me have sex with him. He would usually be very drunk and angry when he did. When he grabbed me, I blacked out, and then when I woke up he was on top of me... inside of me." Emma was near tears when she finished speaking.

Killian quickly stepped in, "We have everything we need for now. If we have anymore questions we'll come to you." Weaver looked like he wanted to ring Killian's neck, but Killian could care less about that. He just cared that Emma would get better.


Shortly after the detectives left a nurse came in and told Emma, "Your parents are here sweetie."

And right behind her walked in Mary Margaret and David Nolan. They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw their daughter for the first time in years. They slowly approached her bed, and when they were by her side, they hugged her for the first time in years.

Emma wanted to stay in their embrace forever, but then she looked behind them. Standing behind was a little boy with dark curls and blue eyes. She knew who he was without a single word being said. Emma felt completely betrayed. They had replaced her.

"Get out." Emma said quietly to her parents. And then she started to yell at them to get out of her room. The nurse quickly rushed her parents out, leaving Emma all alone again.

She couldn't believe her parents had another child to replace her. It made sense to her she was broken now, and that child would grow up normal. She wished the pain in her chest would just stop.

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