Chapter One

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After posting my picture on twitter, I went into the kitchen to grab some dinner.  I decide to make a pasta dish for my friend and I.  We live togehter in our apartment, and I cook better than she does, so I cook and she does dishes.  We both clean the house. 

I turn on the stove that has a pot of water on top of it, then start dicing tomatoes and garlic.  I hear a door knob turn, then the clicks of heels echoing down the hallway.

"Hi Willow!  What's for dinner tonight?"  She asks, peeking over my shoulder.  

"Just some pasta, Lil.  Nothing fancy."

"Yeah right, everything you cook is amazing.  I want you to cook for my wedding,"  she jokes.

"No thanks,"  I say adding noodles to the boiling pot of water.  "Somebody on twitter wanted to ship me tonight, I'm really curious to see what they said."  I add.

"That's kinda weird." She agrees.  

"Is your brother still coming over tomorrow?"  I ask her out of curiosity.

"Yeah, he should be.  Can you make some chicken tomorrow?  It's his favorite."

"Of course, Lils."  I dump the noddles out of the water and add a few more ingredients, then serve it in some bowls.  I place one infront of her, and then sit down with the other.

I open my twitter, and go to the picture I posted before cooking.  I look to see who people shipped me with.  I got a few Luke Hemmings and Harry Styles, and one more that caught my attention.  Ed Sheeran told me that he shipped me with myself.  

As soon as I read it and processed it, a high pitched squeal errupted from my mouth, and nmy phone slid across the table.  Lily picked up my phone and started to scream with me.

"Answer him, Willow!  You can't say no to Edward Christopher Sheeran!"  Lily says with an excitement filled voice.

"What do I say?  I'm terrible at this!"

"Just tweet him back and say that it could be arranged."  She answers.

I grab my phone back from her, and tweet Ed saying that it could be arranged.  Moments later, I get a notification saying that @edsheeran followed me.

"Lils, he followed me!  What if he dms me?  Lils, what-"

"Willow, calm down!  This could be good.  Ed seems like a good guy, and he won't do what Jack did to you.  Maybe you two could get into a really good relationship."   She says, trying to calm me down.  "Now I'm going to make you a cuppa, calm down."

I look back down to my phone. thinking about what Lily told me.  She's probably right.  I notice that I got a dm, so I open it.  

From- @edsheeran

Hey love !  You're gorgeous aha xx  How are you?

From- @willow89

Thank you!  I'm okay, just finished eating dinner.  How are you?

From- @edsheeran

I'm great, I'm just talking to the most gorgeous girl ever

From- @willow89

Aha, not really.  What's going on?

Lily walks by me and sets down my cuppa.  "Thanks love!"  I say before taking a sip of it.  "I always love how you make it.  It's the perfect sweetness."  I compliment.

From- @edsheeran

Nothing much at all.  Are you busy right now?

From- @willow89

No, I'm not why?

From- @edsheeran

Call me?  234-736-9561 (Please be mature and not call this number.  I have no clue who this is.)

I dial the number, and hear it ring exactly three times before hearing a voice.  Ed Sheeran's voice.

"Hi Ed."

"Hello, love."  


"I believe you've already said that."  He responds with a laugh.

"Yeah, I think I may have."  I respond saracasticly.

"Yeah, so tell me, what's your favorite color?"  He asks.

"Green, and yours?"


Hi guys!  I really hope you guys like it, it's a new idea I got, and I really like it.  I'll try and update in the next few days, so I hope you guys have a great new start to your year(:

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