Chapter Two

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Ed and I talk for most of the night. He did ask one question that I was a bit surprised about before we hung up. It was an innocent question, I just didn't know how to answer. The question was "When can see your gorgeous face in person?"

I had told him, whenever he comes to Detroit. He had seemed a bit shocked, but it was an answer. Nevertheless, he agreed.

Around 1 a.m. I went to bed, and fell into a deep sleep. At 9:06 I was awoken by my phone ringing loudly. I pick it up and mumble out a groggy "Hello."

"Hi Love. Would you mind coming to the airport to come and pick me up? I took a flight to the airport in Detroit to come and see you." Ed says.

"Uhm, yeah of course. I need to get dressed really quickly, but I'll be in there in fifteen, twenty minutes?"

"Alright, love. See you in a bit."

We hang up the phone, and I jump out of bed. I run to my closet and throw on a sweater with a pair of jeans. I lace up my hightop converse, and then throw my hair up into a ponytail. I run into the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. I grab my purse and scream into the quiet apartment that I'll be back later.

I find my truck, and jump to get my 5'2 frame in. I drive to the airport, with not a lot of people on my half of the road. When I arrive, I park my truck and fish my phone out of my purse. I dial Ed's number to call and ask where he is.

Before I click the call button, I see a head of messy ginger hair, so I shove my phone into my purse, then run over to Ed.

"Hi," I say tapping Ed's shoulder. "It's me, Willow."

"Hello love. How are you today?"

"I'm okay, I'm honestly a bit confused and a tad hungry. Can we go get breakfast if that's okay with you?" I respond.

"Of course we can. I've already got my bag."

We walk to my truck in silence, and Ed's head poked up when I hopped in the drivers side. He slides into the passenger seat and throws his bag in the backseat.

"You look beautiful today." Ed spits out into the silence.

"Thank you." I blush, running my fingers through my hair.

I drive up to a small cafe that I work at. I park the car and wait for Ed to get out then lock my doors. Ed beats me to the door, and holds it open for me as I pass.

I giggle and let out a small thank you. I lead him to a table to sit at with high stools and tables.

"I love these high chairs." Ed admits as we sit down.

"Yeah, I do too. That's why I came here."

"I can see why."

"Yeah, plus I work here, and I need to pick up my check."

"Somehow that makes more sense," he chuckles.

I smile as a waiter comes by.

"Hey Willow, how are you doing?"

"I'm great Alex. Tell boss I need to pick up my check?"

"Yeah, sure. Who's he?" Alex asks, jabbing his thumb towards Ed.

"Oh, uh this is my friend Ed."

Alex nodded as he understood, then asked "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll take a apple juice please." I reply.

"I'll have a coke, if that's okay."

"Okay, I'll have these in a moment. Maybe longer because look at all these people." He jokes, gesturing to the empty room.

Ed and I eat our food with a steady conversation about his career as a singer, and my career as a waitress.

After Ed successfully fought me to pay the bill, we went out to my truck, with my check in hand.

"Now let's begin the sight seeing," I say with a smile on my face.

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