👋🥰S1 chapter 6 (new friendship group)🥰👋

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Y/n's pov
I woke up and quickly got changed and brushed my teeth. I went down to make breakfast since everybody is still sleeping. After I finished cooking the nice smell of food woke everybody up. "Yahhhh fooooooooood!!!" Sehun and taeyong screamed while running down the stairs looking like they have never seen food before. They sat on the chairs and then Taehyung came and greeted up along with two grumpy looking sleepy people lisa and yoongi. "Just like brothers and sisters both of hem are always sleepy"sehun said which caused me Taehyung and taeyong to laugh. "Yah at the middle of the night I heard the front door open who was that" when yoongi said that Lisa cheacked on her orange juice. Which then everyone turned to her "umm" Lisa mumbled. If yoongi finds out she went out she's dead meat so I quickly made up and excuse and said "umm It was hot at night so I wanted fresh air" I quickly inturupted which caused Lisa to sigh she looked at me with thankful eyes which caused me to giggle so I blowed her a kiss. Yoongi nodded at my answer and let on eating his food.

1hour later
"Guys don't worry your gonna love them even grumpy yoongi cares for them" Lisa said while knocking on her friends door. The door quickly opened revealing a blond man "lisaaaaaaaa, yoongi hyung" he screams happily and hugged both of them "oh and hey other people and hey y/n come inside" he smiled at us hugging us all. Wow their friendly. Then I remembered that's jimin the guy on the house party call. When I walked in I saw a lot of People. We all sat down and they introduced each other.
"Hi I'm jimin I actually was on a house party call with y/n so I know her"
"Hi I'm Jennie"
"Hi I'm sorn"
"Heyyyyy im mino"
"Wassup I'm bambam"
"Yo I'm kai"
Everyone introduced them selves. I turned to see jungkook looking at me smiling. Obviously we already know who he is he doesn't need to open his mouth. "Hi I'm y/n nice to meet you all this I my brother sehun and my cousins Taehyung and taeyong" I replied and all 4 of us greeted them all. We were all talking and having fun until jungkook opened his mouth "sehun hyung do you allow y/n to date?" Everyone looked at jungkook in shock god I wanted to beat his play boy ass "well if I know the guys a good guy I'll let Why jungkook~" he said confused "nothing just asking" Jungkook smiled at him. We changed the subject and talked about other things then I felt a pinch on my thigh I saw lisa looking at me with a smirk "Jungkook likes you~ I'm gonna win this bet" "shush u pabo" I scolded which caused her to giggle. "Guys I got us all tickets to go watch the joker movie!!!" Kai screamed as he successfully bought the tickets from his phone right now. All of us screamed in joy "wow kai oppa might as well buy the food for us to" Lisa added chasing everyone to laugh "no but fr I'm broke so who gone buy food?" She asked "don't worry foods on me" taeyong said which made us all scream in happiness again "when is it?" Jimin asked "3more days" Kai replied "we gotta live happy before school opens" I added "yup then it's back to studying" sorn said
5hours later
We have been here for 7hours we decided to leave jimin's house. Actually jimin and jungkook are roommate both of them live in that house
Meanwhile the rest of us need to leave to are own house. We said our goodbyes until me, yoongi, Taehyung, Lisa, taeyong and sehun got in the car. "Is it me or jungkook is getting hotter day by day no homo tho but what is his care routine" taeyong said which caused us to all laugh then Lisa obviously has to do the iconic meme I mean she's obsessed with it "why are you gae?" She said turning to taeyong who already knows the meme "w-who says I'm gae?" He pretended to stutter "you are gae!" Lisa screamed causing us to all laugh. But one thing is right tho...jungkook is getting hotter day by day but I've only seen him in person 2times wow I think I'm actually falling in love with jeon jungkook a.k.a fuck boy a.k.a play boy. Oh god there's no way out of my feelings.

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