Major Versus Minor

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“Ptooey,” Pit quietly chimed, trying to wake up the other. “We’re finally here.”

Pittoo lightly fluttered open his eyelids which were gazing tiredly at Pit. His expression showed a scowl from sleepily waking up from a nap and the first thing he heard was that displeasing nickname.

“Pittoo isn’t so annoying anymore,” he rasped. “But don’t ever call me that again.”
“I can’t promise that,” Pit giggled.
Palutena approached the angels who were in the back, both of her hands grasping the handles of large suitcases which were tightly packed to the top. “I hate to burst your bubble,” she told Dark Pit with a weak smile, “but the first fight doesn’t start until tomorrow.” She pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper and unfolded it. Her iridescent eyes scanned over the details of the loose page. “The division brackets say you’re teaming up with Ike and you’re fighting against Isabelle and Link.”
“Ike?” Pittoo complained. “That guy is so cocky. He’s gonna steal all the spotlight.”
“You’re not any better than Ike is, Ptooey,” Pit said with a smirk.
“It’s like you’re asking me to pummel you, Pit stain. I said to stop using that nickname.”
“If you two are done bickering back there,” Viridi growled with impatience, “could we get some help with this luggage? You two are the stronger ones, and I need to get in there and get some beauty rest for my first fight tomorrow!” The little blonde struggled to pull out a heavy, dark purple bag from the trunk of the vehicle. She clenched her teeth and strained only to fall back on her bottom while trying to grab the bag. “Goddammit, Dark Pit. What the Hell did you pack in here?”
Viridi’s fury didn’t disturb the dark angel's straight expression as he calmly listed what items he brought with. “Eight different colored chitons, four pairs of sandal boots, eyeliner stuff, Electroshock Arm. . .you know, only the necessities.”
The goddess’s hazel eyes seemed to be flaming with blistering fury, the metaphorical flames gradually burning brighter as the ebony-winged angel continued his list. With her small and fragile appearance as well as delicate physical strength, there was just no way she was carrying Dark Pit’s loaded luggage when he could just do it himself. Once naming the last item he could think of, Viridi gave up trying to carry the heavy bag and snatched her own suitcase with a huff, angrily stomping into the suite and wheeling the noticeably lighter luggage behind her.
“What a temper,” Palutena chuckled. “If she can’t carry a heavy bag, then there’s no way she’s going to last one round in the tournament. Pit, if I could get some help with a few of these suitcases, too, that’d be nice.”
“Absolutely, Lady Palutena!”
“Viridi and I are going to share a room, and you and Pittoo can share the room across from us. Hearts are pretty valuable over here, so Viridi and I both chipped in and rented two rooms. We even had an excess amount of Hearts afterwards to spend!”
“Sharing a room,” Pittoo’s crimson eyes glanced over at Pit’s sapphire eyes, earning an uncertain blush from the brunette, “with Pit stain? Alone?” Pit’s face blushed brighter, but Pittoo’s expression stayed still as stone. “This will be interesting.” He hopped out of the Exo Tank and stretched his limbs, his joints popping from sitting in the same position for so long. He grabbed his bag from the trunk, not even struggling to carry it inside.
“What was with Pittoo just now?” Pit asked Palutena once his darker counterpart walked inside the building, his voice nervously faltering a bit. “What’s the big deal if we’re alone?”
“I don’t think you understand enough about love yet, Pit,” Palutena said with a giggle. “Now let’s get our bags inside and settle down for the night.”
“But what did he mean?!”


It was nighttime by the time Pit entirely unpacked his suitcase and set up in the suite room. It was absolutely beautiful, and was probably big enough to match the size of a small cabin. The two large beds on either side of the room looked extremely plush and comfortable, with pure white blankets and sheets and velvety pillows. Pit couldn’t resist flopping onto his bed and rolling in the luxury of softness, taking in all the richness and magnificence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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