Chapter 5

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Hey, Just want to apologise for the really late update, something happened and I just couldn't find the energy to write and I didn't really think that anyone would really mind. But anyway this chapter is dedicated to Mystic_Raven20 for your comments on the previous chapters. They convinced me to get my sh*t together and remember why I started writing this in the first place :)

This isn't proofread cuz I couldn't be bothered, if u see any mistakes point them out and I'll fix em.

Emma was immediately met with white; it was all she could see. She had found herself in a rather strange looking room, the room was seemingly endless as she could see no shadows to indicate the joining of two walls nor the joining of the floor or ceiling to the walls around her. Emma's own body seemed to cast no shadow from any angle she could see, it was as if the room were made entirely of light itself. Emma raised a hand and tentatively pushed it out in front of her, trying to find an indication of an ending to the blinding purity of the room, but as she did so, all around her images appeared in circular frames. To a stranger the images before Emma would seem to hold no importance, however, to Emma, everything she saw around her had meaning. She saw an array of events that led up to the world being as it is now: she saw the moment her grandparents met; the moment Alya befriended her mother; when Nino met her father; the 'gum incident'-as Alya likes to call it- when her parents met; she watched as Adrien gave Marinette his umbrella on that rainy day, where she instantly fell in love; she saw their first encounter as Ladybug and Chat Noir; she saw and old man forget himself; she watched as a sneaky cat snuck into Marinette's room from her balcony; she saw her father propose; she teared up at the sight of her mother showing her father a positive pregnancy test; she saw her parents holding her around a cake on her first birthday; and she saw the most horrific sight she could ever see- she watched her parents die.

"No... No! It won't happen again, it can't!" Through blurred eyes she reached out to where she remembered the image of her first birthday to be, before everything went wrong, determined to warn them before they go off and fight the monster she has as a grandparent. "I can tell them who they are before they leave, that way they wont be distracted when they find out and my mommy and daddy won't- they won't-" Emma was unable to finish as sobs racked through her entire body and her knees gave out beneath her causing her to fall to the floor. Fighting through her pain, this brave young girl thrust her hand forward, reaching the image she had in her sight, without knowing that the time she was looking at previously had changed.


Emma opened her eyes and wiped her tear stained cheeks. Looking around, she recognised the place before her to be the Park near her school and her family's bakery. Although there were subtle differences from what she knew to be the park of her time, the area around her was awfully familiar and she knew she could easily navigate her way to the home her parents intended for her. Fighting through her despair, Emma released her transformation and took off running to the exit of the park towards her destination. She ran through the opened gates of the park, facing the old bakery and hadn't given it a second glance. At least not until she found herself on the floor in front of it, rubbing her aching shoulder. What the hell?... A loud, painfilled groan pulled Emma out of her daze and she looked up to meet blue eyes that matched her own.

"Ow... Oh no I am so, so sorry! Are you okay?" Emma immediately knew who the girl she ran into was and she couldn't form a coherent thought. "Here, let me help you up." Marinette quickly scrambled to her feet and hastily brushed her capris before extending a hand down to the strangely familiar looking girl whom she had ran into. Emma reached her hand out slowly so her mother could take it in her own and pull her up to her feet. "I'm so sorry for running into you I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm Marinette."

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