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It was midnight, fire torches burning in the corner of the room. Karn was constantly thinking about Draupadi. He was planning to tell his Mata Kunti about Draupadi, as soon as, he would go back to Hastinapura.

Going back to his desk, he finished the rest of his tasks. There were a few things to arrange before leaving Magadh, so he'd better get started. Then he would have a word with his future wife, he thought, and then indulge in his work again.

:: In Hastinapura::

Ever since returning from the mela, Arjun was sitting in his chamber and had locked himself all in Draupadi's dreams. He didn't even know, what happened to him for the first time, before this, he never felt any kind of attraction with any other princess but with Draupadi, it was so different... her charm, her beauty. Everything about her was remarkably fascinating.

Nakul was passing by Arjun's chamber, instantly, from the half-opened door, he saw how his brother was so immersed in thoughts, seeing this he went inside by tiptoeing. The knob of the door began to spin and without warning Arjun, who was halfway in his dreamland blushing deeply. Nakul landed on his back and frown at Arjun who looked at him before shutting the window.

"Bhrata shree! Where are you lost? Tell me also... I Panchal princess thoughts." He teased.

Arjun turned his head sharply to stare at him. Nakul had his usual teasing smile in place," Nakul! come here! I will tell you in whose dreams I am or...... I will tell mata about Rajkumari karenumati."

I will tell mata about Rajkumari Karenumati.

The thought suddenly ran through Nakul's mind, bringing his heart a strange kind of fear.

Suddenly, he couldn't control the movement of his lips, "Bhrata shree! Why you always threaten me ?.. Please! please...don't tell mata about Karenumati."Nakul pleaded.

"No!" I will tell, just wait.."Arjun said in a wave of fake anger.

Nakul pauses for a dramatic effect, a frightening smile creeping onto his lips," Sorry! Bhrata Arjun...I'm going...I'm going." Nakul apologized and left within seconds.

Looking at the disapproval in Nakul's face, Arjun laughed in his mind but before he could again be immersed in his love thoughts, he heard his mother's voice.

"Nakul, Sahadev, Arjun...My children come down!" Kunti voiced.

"Good afternoon, Mata what happened? You are looking so happy," Nakul said with a charming smile as he reached towards his mother.

"Yes... Mata, what happened?"Arjun and Sahadev asked together.

"Arjun!" Kunti said happily. I called you here to inform you that... tomorrow, we're going to Panchal as king Draupad invited us over and Karn went to Magadh for work... so we four are going."

"And this time, I don't want any excuse...especially from you Arjun."

"Mata, don't worry.... this time Bhrata shree will give no excuses... I promise!" Nakul chuckled.

"Yes! And I can bet on it." Sahadev said while looking under his breath.

"By the way, Panchal is a favorite destination of Bhrata Arjun. Don't you think, Nakul? Sahadev added while trying to control his laughter.

Nakul, Sahadev both burst out in laughter.

When Kunti only raised a mildly questioning eyebrow, "Favourite destination...what?"

"No... no...nothing mata."Nakul and Sahdev went while laughing while Arjun glared at them from behind.

To his surprise, he somehow found that he quite enjoyed their teasing.

Kunti turned and asked Arjun."Arjun, what were they saying? Are they alright?" Kunti said giving a concerned look to Arjun.

"Mata, you know naa.. they both are mad. Always rolling here and there." Arjun tried to convince.

A smile splits across Kunti's face, as she looked at Arjun, "I believe you're ok with my tomorrow's plan," Kunti said, drawing her attention as she stood up and put her book aside," I trust you will not change the plan." Kunti told while kissing Arjun's forehead.

Kunti quit to her room, leaving Arjun along with his excitement and Draupadi fantasizes. Exactly what he needed for a pleasant evening. A smile played at his lips. It was a joy to be in love.

[ In Panchal ]

It was a clear moon night, and the stars were twinkling. A sudden strike of lighting shook the area, even the Imperial palace roofs trembled over slightly. Inside the palace, Draupadi quickly rushed, "Well shit!" She blinked her eyes and moved towards her heavenly bed and took the blanket all over her."This lighting voice will give me a heart attack."

"Holy crap! And Rajkumar Karn is also not here to protect you." Urvi laughed.

Hearing his name, her lips formed a slight smile that charmed her for a few moments before she spoke, "You don't have to worry!" Draupadi dusted her hands and soothingly said, "It's time to properly sort out debts with my sister."

She moved deftly towards Urvi and tried to reach her. But on the spur of the moment, the door creaked open "Hold on," A familiar voice interrupted, and Urvi blink, looking around

Silence lingers for a moment before Mahima spoke," My daughters...I come here to tell you that tomorrow is on time as few guests are coming up from Hastinapur."

After listening to the word "Hastinapur" Draupadi got excited and looked at Urvi while showing her pearl white teeth, Urvi instantly held her hand so tightly to signaled her to stop overreacting.

"What happened putri?" Mahima asked tensely.

A lump rises in Urvi's throat.

"Everything is fine, Mata! Everything..." Urvi responded nervously and Draupadi grin at her.

"So... I was saying that get ready on time, tomorrow as few guests are coming from Hastinapur. Rajkumar Arjun, Nakul, Sahdev, and my friend Kunti as your father invited them to make our alliance stronger with them by giving one of our daughters."

Words of greeting get trapped in Draupadi's throat, the moment her eyes landed on Urvi's blushy cheeks.

"Draupadi?" Mahima whispers, her voice was aloud.

"Yes....yes Mata!" Draupadi smiled widely.

"You have to look good," Mahima said,
after patting Draupadi's cheeks, and walked out.

Draupadi watched as her mother's face displayed various expressions and couldn't figure out what was going on in her brain.

But keeping aside the thoughts, she looked at Urvi who was enjoying and smiling at her oneself. She moved nearer to her and shout in her ears, "I am extremely happy so...s...soo..... Rajkumar Arjun soon going to marry my sister." Urvi then turned and immediately put her palm on Draupadi's mouth.

"Draupadi, you're crazy, someone will hear us," Urvi told her with a worried expression.

"Oh, okay!" Draupadi apologized.

Not wanting to say anything, Urvi took the blanket over and pretend to sleep.

"Hmm.. hmm...Sleep Urvi. Beauty sleep is essential. Tomorrow Rajkumar is coming, huh?" Draupadi said as she moved to the left side of the bed and wrapped the sheet around her body she began to tease Urvi again but with her eyes closed, Urvi took a long relaxed breath to stop her blushing. She
was overcome with joy hearing the news of Arjun's arrival but on the other side, Draupadi thought she slept and she turned her side and was looking up at the ceiling when a drop of a tear slide down her eyes. She was happy for her sister but she was missing Karn. She closed down her eyes to keep her emotions at bay. She was thinking when would Karn came up to make her his bride.


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