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Present, DA Office

"Heeseung-ah," the man says over the phone, holding out the 'ah'. 

"Dad," Heeseung replies. 

"How's it going over there?" his father asks. Of course, there isn't a need for him to ask as he still has connections at the office to check up on Heeseung. Nonetheless, he always does ask, probably to keep the conversation going and the air light. It doesn't surprise him that everything is taken care of and running smoothly. Yet, he always feels compelled to ask such questions. As if he actually needs to find out from his son. Truthfully, maybe he just wants the connection between them to strengthen. 

"It's going," he responds. "Cases are low so there isn't that much to report." 

His father smiles, "I knew I can trust you son." From over the phone, Heeseung can feel the pride radiating off of him. As his brothers moved out one by one and floated farther away from the firm, he's heard such more and more. Now, it's no longer weird. It's so normal, he knows exactly how to ignore it and move onto the next topic. Eying his calendar, he finds anything that can distract his father from the thoughts he knows his father's having. 

"Want to sit in for today?" Heeseung asks. "There's another trial today." 

"Sure," he responds. "Get to see my son in action." 

"I have to go and meet with the victims real quick," he says next. "I'll see you later 아빠." 

"Later," his dad responds and Heeseung hangs up the phone with a sigh. Looking around the office, he sees that several of his employees are looking at him. Though their heads face towards their computer screen, they look through the corners of their eyes. Naturally, anyone would be curious about such a thing. Although he's the Assistant District Attorney, it's no secret that his father still holds a lot of power within the building. It's no secret what they think of him. He's heard the whispers that fly around the office like wind. 

Sitting down at his desk, he anxiously runs his hand through his hair. He just offered a senior in the courtroom to watch him argue a case. Nonetheless, he has his thoughts and cards together and has been practicing as he does with every case. Lucky enough for him, there is enough evidence for the person they're trying to be the believable murder. Back when the state detective sent him all of the evidence, he barely had to do any thinking to figure out a possible motive and the method of murder. It isn't often that he's as confident about a case as he is with this one. Plus, the victim's family is depending on him. Letting them down is 1000% not an option. 

Checking his watch, he nods at the time. Three hours until the trial starts. He looks back at written testimonies and other arguments he planned previously. Of course, he had these memorized weeks ago but it doesn't hurt to check them again. With all the cases he's worked on, he knows how to win the court. Like any good Attorney would know, the job is not that different from an actor and business man. 

Present, Courtroom 2C

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the court. We are assembled to address Indictment number..." the judge starts to call. No one really pays attention to the numbers anymore. "Commonwealth vs. Niki..." Everything about the case also tended to fade away from everyone's ears. Such details would be skipped had it not been required. 

Heeseung eyes the opposing side. For a moment, he merely watches Niki. There's no trace of doubt or fear in any sort on his face. No surprise there. His eyes move to the Defense Attorney. Their eyes meet for no more than a nanosecond. The two nod at each other before turning back to their own business. Though they are on opposite sides, they have mutual respect for one another. Watching the way he argues cases in court, Heeseung knows that it's a hard battle. Just by looking at him, Heeseung can tell Niki is well off. Not just anyone has enough money to hire such an attorney. 

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