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170 13 42

2010, ???

"What's your name?" the man asked, only to receive more silence. Over and over, he'd been asking questions as if they were having a Q&A session rather than being held captive. However, each attempt at bonding with his cellmate were fruitless. Talking to her was barely different than talking to a wall. After a whole day (he watched the sun from the slit just below the ceiling) she didn't do so much as look at him. Never straying from their original position on the back wall, her eyes always remained focused on the same spot. Not an inch up, down, or in any other direction. She was just part of the the three question marks used to mark where he was and the 'they' used for his captor. This woman was just another blank in a hard sudoku puzzle. 

Hopeless as it was, he persisted, knowing he wouldn't stop. Often, people weren't too difficult to figure out, especially once you knew how to read them. After all his lawyer experience, the man knew how to draw conclusions about situations based upon minimal evidence. In his experience, understanding people was not much different. They need a motive for an action regardless of how big or small the action may be. Analyzing actions and patterns usually drew you closer to the person's truth. He realized that like a stubborn witness, he was not going to make this easy for him.

"Did you hear me?" the man asked for the millionth time. "I asked what's-"

"Does it matter?" she snapped in exasperation, her voice still a whisper. His eyes widened and he jumped at the sound of her voice. It was the first time he'd heard her talk besides her uncomfortable 'hi' from earlier. Yet, listening to it only saddened him slightly. For, her voice did not sound full like a typical human's voice. Instead it sounded drained and lifeless, unlike anything he's heard before. That brought him to his second realization about her. She was, in fact not human. Instead, she was just the ghost of a woman who once lived. Just a wisp of life hanging on with a singular thread. 

He couldn't give up on her. No, he wouldn't. Not until he escaped and revived her, bringing back the life that once lingered within her.  

Present, Train Station

"Excuse me," Heeseung says softly attempting to move his way through the crowd of people waiting on the platform, awaiting their respective trains. Although he's rushing, he doesn't move about with force and pushing the way other individuals do. He can't bring himself to do so, regardless of the fact that he most likely does have the strength for it. Surely, everyone has some urgency to reach their destination. Likely, there's at least one person if not many more that are in a bigger time crunch than himself. Therefore, prioritizing his own situation and using it as an excuse is both stupid and rude. 

"U-uh s-sir," a girl stutters, tapping him on the shoulder. "You're really handsome." 

"Thanks?" he replies, making it sound like more of a question. This causes the girl to giggle. 

"Can I get your number?" she asks. "Seriously, you're so handsome Big Hit could street cast you right here and now." 

"I'm sorry," Heeseung says politely. "But I'm afraid I can't. My subway is here." 

"Oh," she mutters and walks away. Though she's almost inaudible, he can hear what she says next. "Whatta catch. Literally, who even rejects like that? So polite." 

When he can't hear her anymore and she appears to be ranting to her friend, he sighs. If only this was the only time this had happened. It seemed almost everywhere he went, there was at least one person who would ask him out or for his number. At this point, he doesn't even know how many times it's happened. Yet, he just can't understand what he did to attract them. Complete strangers, walking up to him because of his looks alone, as if personality doesn't matter. That's almost as bad as watching them saunter away, their heads down in. Whether it be the shame they face going back to their teasing friends or the mere embarrassment of rejection as they trudge through crowds and wish to disappear. Watching such makes his chest feel heavy as it drags with an overwhelming amount of guilt. 

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