𝙴𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝟹

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Present, Boo Investigations

"I'm here!" he announces, making the three of them freeze even more than before. "Rrrring the alarm cause here I am!" 

"Seungkwan, did you really have to scare us like that?" Mr. Chwe asks, annoyed. 

He gives Mr. Chwe a look before responding, "Mr. Chwe, you're supposed to address me as Mr. Boo?"

Mr. Chwe rolls his eyes, "But you didn't answer the question." 

"Vernon, I'm your boss, so I don't actually need to answer your questions," he responds. "Though, if you must know, I just wanted to be dramatic...like a movie star." 

Jina shoots EJ a look of disbelief. Listening to their boss switch from sounding all professional to singing Movie Star is definitely not something she expected to see ever. What did he have to do to act like this? Was he high, or drunk, or something else? EJ, on the other hand, looks back at his coworker with a smile. This is the most fascinating thing that's happened for a while now. Not only is this amount of confidence being shown by Mr. Boo enviable, but this is also much more amusing than the usual monotone man they see in the passing. Meanwhile, Mr. Chwe looks at the floor, clearly blushing. His eyes hold horror and disgust, his cheeks so pink he looks sick. Using every last bit of self control to restrain from continuously face palming himself. The amount of secondhand embarrassment clear as day on his face is a million times greater than the shame Mr. Boo has ever felt in his life thus far. Oblivious to the others' reactions, Seungkwan shouts Movie Star while dancing. Nothing could ever get between him and his CIX. He would run into the school bus that hit Regina George if it's the only way to sing or dance to the group. 

"Did you really just sing and dance to a kpop song like a teenager in front of your employees?" asks Mr. Chwe when it's over. 

"What can I say," Mr. Boo responds nonchalantly but out of breath from the mini "performance". "I'm a CIX fan." 

EJ's eyes light up even more than they already had been previously. "I work for a FIX?" 

Mr. Boo merely winks in response, "Stan CIX, stan talent, Mr. Byun." 

Interrupting the moment, Mr. Chwe brings a fist to his lips and dramatically coughs. Mr. Boo pauses a moment, as if remembering who he is and what his purpose for being there is. In an instant, his smile fades and all the playfulness in him depletes. Inaudibly, Jina finds herself sighing with relief. Out of all her years of being an inferior to someone, she's never been under the authority of someone like this. Not only is he a kpop stan but he's a shameless one too. She isn't sure if she should be more concerned for his reputation that has been shattered or for him himself. If she's being honest, she would've expected tackling snake before witnessing the very thing none of them could ever unsee. 

"Oh..uh...that's clearly not why I called you both here," he says with a shy laugh. "We've been hired to solve a pretty big case. So before I get into details, confirm your name and position." 

"Byun Euijoo, forensic science technician," he states with a small smile. 

"Joo Jina, Detective," she says not missing a beat. 

Mr. Boo nods, "Good. You know, you guys are the best in the we got right now." 

"Thank you so much, sir," EJ answers with a slight head bow. 

"Yeah, thank you," Jina says also bowing. "That's really kind of you." 

"Don't thank me, I'm looking at the statistics and ratings," Mr. Boo chuckles. "You are both young, but I'm going to need both of you for this case. You're more capable than some of the others and there's no duo like you guys." 

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