Chapter 1

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I walked down the halls of Fuzzy Productions as I felt exhausted from the over load of work I had on my plate.  I just wrapped a table read for one show and now was heading to do recordings for another.  I still had to write scripts and go over contracts.  Plus, my new movie was coming out soon.  Yeah, I had too much on my plate.  "Hey, boss."  I heard a familiar voice.

I looked back to see Lizzy's smiling face.  I gave her an annoyed looked and began walking again.  "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?"

Lizzy caught up with me and walked next to me.  "Well, you are my boss."

"Yeah, and?  I don't even like the others calling me that, let alone my best friend.  It's annoying."  I told her.

"Now you understand."  She laughed.

I just shot her a glare and she only laughed louder.  I just sighed.  "So, where you headed off to?"

"I gotta do recordings for American Dad."  I told her.

She then grabbed my wrist as I felt my heart skip a beat.  She stopped me and turned to me.  "Seth, you look horrible.  You really need to take my advice and let the network take over the shows so you can take your work load down."

I rolled my eyes and looked at her.  "Lizzy, I don't want that.  If they have control, they are going to butcher what I worked so hard on."

"How do you know that?"  She asked.

I sighed.  "I wish you would just take control.  You basically helped me build this place, you should be my partner anyways.  It's only fair."

After high school, we went to RISD together.  We both studied and graduated.  I went to Hanna-Barbera and she went to Disney.  But we remained close, even becoming roommates.  As time went on, I decided to open my own production studio and start my own show.  I asked Lizzy to help and she was instantly on board and quit Disney.  I knew it was a bold decision.  She helped with scripts, some of the smaller parts with voices and helping me get off the ground but once never wanted to be partners even though I asked over and over.  As time went on, I got a bigger place and invited Lizzy to continue being roommates.  She accepted.  Not once did we live apart or spend time away from each other.

"You know I don't want that.  This was your dream."  She said.

"But you helped make it possible."  I gave her a small smile.

She smiled back as we started to walk back down the hall.  "Come on, you know that I am not cut out to be some bigwig like you.  You got the media in your face and doing interviews.  You know damn well I am not cut out for that.  I like that no one knows I exist."

"But I know you do."  My smile brightened.

She hooked my arm and put her head on my shoulder.  "And that is enough for me."

Just then Alex and Mila walked up to us.  "So, you two coming tonight, right?"  Mila asked.

"Hell yeah.  I love seeing the crew as a whole."  Lizzy said, excitedly.

"Uh, I don't know."  I moved my hand to the back of my neck and rubbed it.  "I think I rather stay home tonight."

Mila rolled her eyes.  "Lizzy, see if you can talk some sense into him."

Mila and Alex moved on.  Lizzy looked at me.  "Seth, seriously, you have to lighten up and have some fun."

I raised an eyebrow.  "And will Mr. I Am Too Pretty For My Own Good be there."

She sighed.  "He's my boyfriend, Seth, and he works here, so yeah."  Then she looked at me.  "Why do you not like him?"

"Cause he acts like he is some hot shit.  He is just a writer and not even one of the head writers.  But he acts like he is top dog.  Plus, he doesn't treat you well."

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