Chapter 2

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I went to work, leaving Lizzy a text telling her she could take the day off.  I knew she would be hung over.  I was sitting at my desk, thinking about the events that happened the night before.  The girls telling me that Lizzy did care for me.  Lizzy telling me in her drunken, sleepy state that she loved me.  I was so confused.  Just then Alex and Mila walked in.  Alex smiled.  "So, how was it getting the drunk girl home?"

"Pretty uneventful."  I lied.

Mila sighed and crossed her arms.  "Well, damn, that isn't any fun."

I then fiddled with my fingers.  "Can I ask you two something?  About what we talked about last night?"

"Shoot."  Alex moved to the chair in front of my desk and sat down.

"Are you sure that Lizzy feels that way about me?  Or were you just pulling my leg?"  I looked at them, worried.

Mila thought about it for a second.  "A bit of both."

I looked at them confused.  Alex then chimed in, "Come on, Seth.  We can see how you look at Lizzy.  Truth is, she looks at you the same way.  So, it was easy to mess with you about it."

"Seth, we meant it when we said that girl cares about you.  And the way she does is more then just how a friend looks at a friend.  She lights up when you walk into a room.  No man can get as close to her as you.  Hell, we thought the first time she started to date someone that she was over you.  But as always, the same thing happens.  She breaks up with them cause of you."  Mila added.

"What do you mean cause of me?"  I was now confused.

"Really?  You didn't know?"  Alex asked me.

"Know what?"  I didn't get what they were trying to tell me.

Now Mila walked over to the couch in my office and sat down.  "Did you ever wonder why Lizzy and her past boyfriends broke up?"

I shrugged.  "She told me it just never worked out.  I always knew better then to ask a lot of questions."

"God, you are naive.  Every one of her relationships ended cause of you."  Alex pointed at me.

I then became defensive.  "Me!  How am I at fault?!"

Mila asked, "Alex is right, you are naive."

"Tell me, have any of her boyfriends ever liked you?"  Alex asked me.

I shrugged as I thought about it.  "I mean, we always seem to get along at first but as time went by, they became more spiteful.  And I never knew why."

"And you never thought of asking yourself why they did?"  Alex asked.

"No."  I told her truthfully.  "I was always nice to them, even the ones who were asses from the beginning.  I just wanted Lizzy to be happy so I made sure to be nice to them."

"See thing is, Seth.  As nice as you were to them, they all realized the same thing down the road, they will never have Lizzy's heart the way you do.  So everytime they would fight with her more and more until they gave her an ultimatum, you or them.  She always choose you, Seth.  So, they would break up."  Alwx informed me.

"Wait."  I closed my eyes and put my hands up as this was too much.  Then I looked at them.  "So, I am really the reason her relationships never lasted."  Alex just nodded with a smile.  I looked at Mila and she shrugged.  "How do you know this?"

"Well, Lizzy always told us about the ultimatums.  Of course, she would never tell you, she probably thought you feel guilty."  Mila informed me.

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