Chapter 3

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You guys I didn't even realize I skipped a week, I'm so sorry. In any case Chapter 3 is here now! This will forever be a blemish on my reliable posting record. What a shame.

"Hullo." Ron sits down by Ginny, and when he settles in, she uses it as an excuse to scoot closer to Luna, who is very seriously constructing a face out of her pancakes and fruit salad.

Today Luna's hair cascades down her back in loose braids, still untied and fluttery at the ends. She looks very nice, and she seems unusually undisturbed when people address her as she/her. There's a light in her eyes Ginny hadn't seen in a while.

Then surprising Harry and Ginny both, Hermione comes up behind Ron, wrapping her arms around him and kissing the smudge of chocolate sauce Ron has somehow already managed to get on her cheek.

Harry blinks at them and pushes his glasses up, looking comically shocked. Ginny doesn't blame him- last she say of them, they were ignoring each other so determinedly, she'd guessed they wouldn't finish up this row for another week, at least.

Instead, here these two sit, Hermione slipping in beside her boyfriend and leaning into him, him pressing a kiss to Hermione's hair and stealing a very large bite off her plate, which he's made for her.

Ginny laughs half incredulously. "Hello. I see you're no longer in a pissy mood." She spears a syrup soaked pancake with her fork and takes a strawberry, trying to get them lined up in one bite. It doesn't work.

"Who, me?" Ron grins and wraps his arm and Hermione, who smiles, already pulling out her homework schedule to duck today's writing. It looks thoroughly marked up, and Ginny looks away, not at all ready to think about today's schoolwork. "I never."

Ginny watches them fall back into their groove, their smiles just a bit more tender than the way they were before their fight. They bicker, laugh, and roll their eyes, but she can see the soft looks they trade back and forth.

The next time she sees the two of them is at dinner, having skipped most of lunch to fly about the pitch, and when the two of them excuse themselves minutes after Ron's finished, catcalls follow them out of the Great Hall.

"They got it together."

"Yeah." Ginny smiles after them, and Luna, who's sitting at the Ravenclaw table this evening, sends Ginny a smile when Ginny leaves for her own room.

Her heart skips in her chest and she smiles back, miming tucking a flower behind her car on a whim, even though it's such an obscure gesture no one would really know what she's trying to convey.

Except, of course, Luna, who pulls a white daisy from her pocket and tucks it behind her ear, because apparently daisies are just the sort of thing Luna keeps in her pocket.

Ginny goes to sleep feeling strangely light and smiley, like the giggling school girl she's never wanted to be. It's a nice feeling.

Come morning, she pulls on her robes and all but races down the stairs, knowing Luna will already be there- she's just got a feeling.

Luna is. Luna's hair this time is down, all of it, in a way Ginny doesn't think she's ever seen before, completely loose and falling down her back in smooth ripples. She sits at the Gryffindor table where Ginny often is.

"Good morning." Luna smiles when she spots Ginny hovering at the end of the Gryffindor table like an idiot, gaping like a lovestruck fool.

Hermione, up and scribbling on a scroll while she eats, looks up, and waves a couple fingers absently before she hunches back over, and Ginny remembers that Luna isn't the only one here, even if she is the center of the universe and currently the only one that matters.

Sibling Solidarity- The Story of Two Trans Weasleysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن