Chapter 7 (Could it be????)

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Chapter 7 (Could it be??????)

"Ding" the mobile phone has an alert notification.

"Ge, your phone has a text" Zhan is now shaving a piece of chicken into his mouth.

Cheng growl and got up from his seat and head towards his room to look for his mobile phone.

"Mmmm...Jie very good" Zhan's cheek is all puff up because of the big piece of chicken.

"It is not my phone...hmph..." Cheng angrily seat on his chair again

"Jie, maybe yours" Zhan again shaft another piece of meat into his mouth

"NO... my phone battery is dead...still in my bag" Yanli answer smilingly

That earns a light slap on Zhan's head from Cheng.

"It's lazy bum bum" Zhan angrily stand up and went to his room.

"Whoosh!!!!!, " Zhan came out hopping around and making several turns

"Why!!!!!, did you win something again. If you do..I am not going with you..." Cheng reply as he eats.

"No, better than that...I got a text to interview at your company. Ge" Zhan reply happily, still holding his phone and swirling in a circle.

Cheng got up and took over the phone, gesturing his little brother to sit down beside him

"Zhan, the appointment is 9am in the morning. It is will the personnel Manager :Mr Louis Lam. Listen, he is an oldish man, but very kind and also sharp and always find the right guy for the job. You need to be honest with him, but you always are. He like the traditional honesty and integrity which is what builds our company strong. OK" Zhan kept nodding his head and acknowledge his brother.

"Loooook, the company pays well too, it is almost double of your old company. Wang Corporation really pays well but they also expect high proficiency from the employees work, ok" Zhan nods as he eats.

"OK. Ge...I hope to get the job and I have you as well" Zhan really looks at his brother for support and Cheng pat his shoulder

"I am only a personnel officer there, so you need to be careful. However, I knew most of the tech guys there, they are really a friendly bunch. If you get the job, I will ask them to take care of you, ok" Cheng pat and assured Zhan and Zhan just drop his head on his big brother.

"OK" and Zhan smile at Cheng.

Although they always bicker but their relationship is always close.

"Oh, come with me tomorrow morning, I will drive you there but I am early as I start at 8.30am, you can go around and look at the compound of our company building. We have the award winning for being in the eco-green company. There are gardens and in front there is a famous fountain. You will love it when you see it. Its water bounces with music. Some people just sit and stare at it the whole day and it is really smoothing" Cheng blabber non-stop, truly happy that his little brother might have a chance to work in his company.

Today is the BIG Day, Zhan woke up earlier, showered and all really and it is only 7am but he is too excited. Zha peep into Cheng room and noticed that he is till snoring. He creep in and use the pillow to cover his brother head.

"Mhmmmmpppp." Cheng struggle and of course he know who it is

"Ge... wake up...I want to go for interview already" Zhan sat beside Cheng and took out the pillow, saw his ge with only half opened eye.

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