Madness Passion: School Festival Arc

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After spending a peaceful morning in class 1A, Todoroki alongside with Uraraka and other crews headed toward the performance stage, located near the front right corner of the school, for their drama class.

"Mina, this is your last chance to sort everything out, as of tomorrow is the school festival," Aizawa whispered, "Made sure the clothes are ready, the lights are bright enough and that sort of stuff".

"We've already checked and fixed everything up to that extend, so we just gonna revise today," Mina responded. As soon as Mr Aizawa walked out of the room, Yaoyorozu instantly grabs out a bunch of costumes, which she generates an hour before, and shows the class. Todoroki as one of the main characters received a white shirt, brown pant and a blue vest alongside with a pair of blue boots (As shown in My Hero Academia Ending 3). While Uraraka was given a brown and white short dress and a pair of black heeled leather boots. The other characters were given simple clothes as the underling of Fumikage (The boss of Capulet), who wears an extensive blackcoat which covers his body in darkness, and Kaminari (The leader of Montague) whose wear a black mask with a black jacket and a black pant.

"So what do you think, Todoroki-kun?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"It's comfy I guess, and well designed?" as Todoroki attempts to make an effort in pleasing Yaoyorozu.

"Todoroki-kun, the outfit surprisingly match with your styles, so I would give more credits to Momo if I were you. Oh, before I forgot, thank you Momo-san," Uraraka intercepts their conversation. As a result of Uraraka's compliment, Todoroki can't help but blush at that wonderful sight, even if no one notices but himself. He begins to questions himself, he found it weird how no one was able to warm his heart since the incident but Uraraka did with just a compliment? How no one was able to make him smile (As in like directly, he only smiles when he saw his friends are together and having a good time) or blush? These thoughts sunk deep into his mind, he quickly compares how he felt just now back to his match with Midoriya. But of course, it was two different purposes and two different feelings. Midoriya encouraged him to utilize his full power while Uraraka just simply, warms his stony heart. Midoriya broke his bone to accomplish it but all its took Uraraka was a gentle smile followed by a pleasant compliment.

"Uraraka-san! You have to answer his confession confidently. Confidently!" yells Mina from across the room.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No worry though, I will succeed next time," Uraraka gave multiple bows while apologising.

"Even if you said that," as Mina burst out with laughter, "Your whole face is pink!".

"No, I'm not!" Uraraka stubbornly argues.

"Shows her, Momo-san," as Mina signalled Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu proceeds to produce a small round mirror from the palm of her hand and shows Uraraka her reflection. Uraraka then backs off to her place in embarrassment and quickly apologised to Todoroki.

"My bad Todoroki-kun, hopes you don't mind".

"No worry, just make sure you try your best, that's all its matter" as he gives out a genuine smile.

After their drama class, half of the class advanced to the cafeteria for lunch while the other half headed toward the school playground. Unlike the rest, Todoroki headed toward the library. As usual, he took himself alongside with a new fiction book (that he borrowed from Lida), The Book Of Lies, to a quiet corner and start reading. Midway through his reading session, he was interrupted by a tap on his right shoulder. He swiftly turns around and to his surprise, Uraraka was the one who taps him. His face was so close to her (In fact, his face was 3cm/1.2 inches apart from her) that he could felt the soft breath from her.

"How's your reading session, Todoroki-kun?" Uraraka asks.

"It's was quiet and peaceful I suppose," Todoroki responds, "So why are you here?".

"I want to talk to you for a moment, do you mind?" she continues. Todoroki then nodded, packed his red book before follows her signal out of the library.

"You want any drink?" as they reached a black vending machine.

"Uraraka, aren't you broke? I will buy it".

"I'm not that broke, Todoroki-kun. I will cover the drinks this time, so what flavour do you want?" Uraka said sarcastically.

"If you insist, I will try out the green tea then," he answers nervously. Uraraka then proceeds to buy a bottle of green tea and strawberry juice (For herself).

"Todoroki-kun, the reason for calling you out is simply because I want to express my gratitude. I wouldn't be able to move on if you didn't get involved. So I want to just, well, simply thank you for all of your support" as she slurps her strawberry juice.

"Your welcome. In the end, no matter how much support I give you, it's up to you to confess, it's up to you to finish it". There was a silence atmosphere between the two as they are having a moment to recall the event.

"We should get going now, it's almost time for our third period," said Uraraka. Todoroki nodded and followed Uraraka to period three, Quirk Comprehension. Quirk Comprehension is a subject to help the student gain a further understanding of their own quirk (Such as weaknesses, special attacks, special transformations, undiscovered skill and so on). Uraraka had mastered her 'Zero Gravity', where she can freely adjust her opponent gravity, all the way to zero gravity. Become immune to the zero-gravity world/ground was also a recent part of her development. Everyone in the class has developed to a certain degree, Mineta ball hairs are stickier, Hagu had gained the ability to turn whatever she touches invisible (She can control what part of her body that activate it, and when to activate and deactivate), Koda vocal is way louder, Aoyama is way shinier and his amount of time using his quirk is increased by 4 times, Sato can improve his strength as much as the beginning with only have to eat half the amount, Kaminari electrical power is stronger and faster alongside with wider range, Sero can use his tape freely without having to worry about his weakness for a long time, Ojiro unlocked the ability to switch his tail to normal size at will, Shoji can create more tentacle if the opponent triggers his fear system. As time rapidly passes by, it was night time before anyone could realize. Maybe it was because of their excitement for the school festival, a festival where every student was looking toward the most, especially the third year since this will be the last carnival at the school (Before they can graduates and becomes a true hero)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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