Part 22 Jax pov

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Uhhhhhhhhh we have been in here for 2 days now and we have had nothing to eat or drink
E: jax........ I'm hungry
Emma wines
J: and U think ik not Emma?!
E: jeez jax...... I thought u loved me but apparently not if this is how u are
J: ok!!!! Emma just because I yelled at u doesn't mean I don't love u ok!!!!!
E: jeez!
She got up and walked away from me and sat in the Corner facing the wall
J: whatever act like it two Emma real mature
E: you know who isn't mature?! YOU! Who yells at there girlfriend just because they made a simple statement?!
J: .........
E: exactly!
Just to be clear we haven't slept since we got in this room. Soon a slot opens and is small enough for a tray to come through it. A tray comes thought it and it has 4 turkey sandwiches and 4 yogurts and 6 bottles of water on it.
J: Emma turn around there's food and water
E: ok thank god!!!!
She comes running over to me and sits down by me I grab the tray and we eat. Me and Emma split everything in half so we each got an equal amount of food. Me and Emma both jug a water bottle and save the rest who knows when we will get more
J: I'm sorry I was so mean earlier
E: me too... Forgive me
J: always! Forgive me?
E: course!
When I was about to eat the last bit of the turkey sandwich I notice something on it it's blue and it looks like medicine
E: WHAT?!?!?
She drops the sandwiches that is almost gone and she falls to the ground asleep I go to go over to her but before I do I fall too...

Jemma(Jax and Emma) every witch wayWhere stories live. Discover now