Jax pov. Lilly I need you!

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I rushed to Lilly threw the realm and to her house witch Emma surprisingly had on her hand i ran over to the door and knocked she didn't answer so I just came in anyways lucky it was unlocked
L: oh hi jax... How are u
Lilly saw Emma in my arms
L: what happend?!
I explained
L: ok ok me get her to a magic doctor
We ran there too and the doctor immediately took her and put her on a stretcher they wouldn't let me or Lilly go back until they finished what was needed so me and Lilly just talked
L: jax there's something you should know about emmas mom and Emma herself
J: what?
L: emmas mom was the chosen one emmas grandmother was the chosen one and so on every time there's a child in this situation that is born the former chosen one witch would be emmas mom in this family every time the chosen one has a child all human energy in the chosen one goes to the child and the mother dies Because there's no more energy for them to go one..
J: what?!
L: but... Emma is different her power are stronger than all the rest. Emma has so much power in her that all her human energy will go to the child and all her witch energy witch is her powers will stay with her and that she will be pure witch not one bit of human
J: what does that mean?
L: Emma will be the most powerful being alive her spells will be stronger her body will be able to heal itself and so on
J: that amazing!
L: but if her power are taken she will die BC she will have nothing
J: oh...... What about our child
L: that another thing the child will be powerless until Emma dies or we could give them powers because the chosen ones child must have powers and your child will also be the chosen one junior it will be less powerful than Emma is now but stronger than anyone else Emma will go down in history tho and Emma could live forever until her power are taken
J: that's alot to take in...
L: I know but we have something to keep anyone from taken her powers away... It's a very old spell that all the council never have to say at the same time and it's only for the chosen one
J: well that's better
Just then the doctor came out
D: doctor)
D: jax Lilly we have a minor set back
J: what does that mean
L: that mean they have to make her have birth now
J: but how she is only one month pregnant
L: there's a spell to make her 9 months but it's your decision
D: without it she could slip into a coma
J: do it
The doctor let us in with Emma she was asleep still
Then emmas stomach got huge
J: why is her stomach so big
Then Emma woke up
E: yea why is it so big
D: Emma your having twins

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