Woman of the Cloth

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A/n: it's me! Your favorite author! Am I though... like... top thousand at least?No? Understandable... have a nice day and just read the chapter...

A/n: and thank you for the 2K followers


A single day has passed since my rejection of Rias' offer, after that nothing really interesting happened

I of course merely laid back and did my daily routine which consisted of watching anime and training

Since I couldn't place my head on the comfort of Ophis' surprisingly soft supple thighs, I had to use my speed wagon pillow, which was good enough

Very few things changed from the 'canon' timeline you could say, for one thing was that Issei wasn't accompanied by Rias but had been informed that she will send someone to get him

Although it was subtle, it was there, her behavior had changed discreetly from the anime

This was a sign of process and that was good, as long as I interfered and did some changed, they were as good as mine

After that, basically the same thing happened, he did Koneko's contract and all that jazz, Raynare had appeared and well... you get the gist

Nothing really important had happened under my watch, which merely consisted of using one of the many abilities I had gained through using my original power

{Makes you wonder what his power is, eh?}

So on this day, I had decided to walk to school instead of driving one of many luxurious sports cars that sent all men to tears and women to squeals

{I should be a poet}

Why had I decided to walk to school? Well for one is to steal Issei's future harem member that was going to be mine

As I saw Issei from far away I whispered lowly under my breath "The long way to school is actually the short way, and you remember that there's a good chance of getting sneak peaks of girls' underwear" I then blew a small gust of air directed at Issei

Immediately Issei subconsciously changed his direction without him knowing and I walked the path he was suppose to go

As I walked, I hard a yelp as I saw a scene that even had me a bit wide eyed as I pushed some perverted thoughts into the deepest part of my mind

As I walked, I hard a yelp as I saw a scene that even had me a bit wide eyed as I pushed some perverted thoughts into the deepest part of my mind

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It even had me a bit astonished at the curves of her ass, me, a player who had slept without countless super models...

Honestly, this only gave me more drive to make her apart of the harem, a smile graced my face as I saw a pink thread attached to me coming from her body

'Hmm, I honestly forgot she had such an amazing ass and was actually going for her innocent personality'

I cleared my throat as I saw Asia at least adjust herself properly as she sat on the ground with a helpless expression, an opened suitcase on the ground with her clothes spilled

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