~ 13 ~ prison

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"Miss, are you Park Hye-jin?" said a cop standing at our door. "Yes, that's me," said Hye-jin. "You've committed a crime of stealing valuables and have a restraining order against you.

We have no other choice than to lock you in jail" exclaimed a cop. "But... she didn't do anything!" I said. "I'm sorry sir, but we have no other choice," the cop said before handcuffing Hye-jin and locking her in a police car. I saw a tear roll down Hye-jin's cheek.

A few days later...

I tried removing the restraining order and a lot more things but nothing seemed to work. I try to see her as much as I can. I tried to bail her out but the amount of money the officer was saying was unexpected, 500k just for a stolen diamond ring that Hye-Jin didn't even do.

I meet her as much as I can because I feel horrible that she's in jail for nothing, something that doesn't even make sense. I even tried to get them sued for doing something so silly, but nothing seemed to work as if someone paid them to do all this.

September 1, 2020

4:19 pm

Hye-jin point of view

I've been in here for weeks. How is there no proof I didn't steal the bracelet? Rotting on that bench would probably be better than this. As these thoughts occur in my head I see a familiar face approaching me.

I see Hye-jin as I look up, a slight smile appears on my face. I saw a smile appear on Min-kyu's face as I walked closer. "The officers told me I only have 3 minutes to talk to you," said MIn-kyu. "How are you doing? Do you need anything?" asked Min-kyu as fast as he could, knowing there isn't much time to talk.

"Uh... I guess not" I answered, hesitantly. "I'll get you out of here, I promise," Min-kyu said. "I know, I didn't do it, there has to be some proof... right?" I said, losing hope little by little. "Yes, of course," Min-kyu, I could tell he was trying to give me hope, I guess it worked...a little.

"I'm almost done gathering information, okay?" Min-kyu said. "Yes," I said, my voice lowering. "We'll go to 'flame pizzeria' once you're out of here," he said, smiling. "Okay," I said, with a smile as I saw an officer coming to take Min-kyu out. He waved bye, so did I and... he was gone... I felt empty again, as I sigh and leave.

Writer's Point of view:

Min kyu drove to Ji-Tae's office as soon as he left the police station to see Hye-jin. He got out of the car, roughly pushing the door close as he ran to Ji-Tae's office. Min-kyu had the key to open the office.

Not everyone can come in because it is a music studio where no one's allowed in. Ji-tae gave Min-kyu a key to come in whenever he wanted. It was a Friday evening, most of the employees left work to go home. There were only some employees and CCTV watchman. 

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