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Okay here's another. I know my stories are short but, I've been studying today since Im starting High school soon. Yes, Im only starting high school. So, I'll be updating late, short, a little bad. I also made another book, another Remile book so do check it out and that's it! Take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals! Peace Out!

Edit: I'm also studying French so, I taken more time to study my work and studying French. And Im pretty much busy editing, chatting, writibg, studying and yeahh I'm pretty busy so the update might take a while :3 Hopefully, I finish all of this soon. That's pretty much it so yeahhh Au Revoir (Goodbye)

Edit 2: So, account take over! My friend will be taking over my account for now since I'm busy with studies so yeahhh that's all for now.

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