The saferoom.

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Dave walked into the saferoom, his eye lights dancing around his black sockets as he searched the room before trotting into the room and closing the door behind him, sitting down and glancing around the room once more before looking down at the ground and humming his small aubergine theme as his white pin point pupils glowed dimly. It's days like these where he could just..relax, just enjoy some nice alone time. Phone fuck would probably find him back here and yell at him, but did he care? No, no not really. He was yelled at a lot in all honesty, even though he didn't show was pretty painful to be yelled at, just hearing how aggressive and mad you made someone and they take their anger out on you? Fucking scary. He sighed, leaning his head against the cold concrete wall that made up the room and bordered it away from others. He stayed like this until he heard footsteps approaching the room, he bolted upwards onto his feet, quickly darting his white pupils to stare at the door as he anxiously ran a hand through his hair. In came a orange, tangerine colored man, his equally white pupils dimly glowing as he made his way into the same room as the aubergine man. The man's badge was illuminated slightly by the dim light overhead, making out the letters engraved in the golden colored nametag: Jack Kennedy. His heart sped up a bit, he was always like this where jack was around, he just..didn't exactly know why, he wasn't used to feelings like this. The first time he laid his white pupils on Jack, he knew something was different about him, he wasn't like Henry, he actually...cared about him, he listened to him when he was having a bad day, he..cared. He opened his mouth to speak when jack looked him straight in the eyes, making him stand there in a daze with his mouth ajar. Jack raised a brow, a little..concerned as to why Dave was just staring at him with his mouth open, waving a hand in front of his face with a small confused smile, exposing his little tooth gap.
"Uh, Dave? Your staring again."
He said with that small, confused smile, snapping Dave out of it. Dave shook his head and blinked a few times, realizing he was staring at jack for who knows how long now. He chuckled nervously, letting a shallow exhale of air as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Sorry Sportsy!"
He chirped, jack shook his head with a small chuckle and walked into the room fully, closing the saferoom door behind him so phone fuck didn't pass by and see the two hanging out in the saferoom. He forgot all about the plan they made for today, just to hang out in the saferoom and have some nice small talk. Maybe he would be able to find out exactly why he always felt butterflies in his stomach around jack? Who knows, he definitely didn't, not yet at least. He sat down, crossing his legs and eagerly patting the cold concrete next to him, making jack stifle a small chuckle.
"You ah- you are really eager to spend some time with me huh?"
Dave felt his face heat up slightly, shaking his head slightly and letting out a nervous exhale, god, he had that feeling again, butterflies in his stomach, his nonexistent heart speeding up, his face heating up...wait. Did he have feelings for jack? No no! That can't be it, that surely can't be it right? He had never felt a attraction to anyone before, but jack was different somehow..he was just so charming and kind to him, he knew what it was like. Being all alone to fend on your own. He nodded eagerly, his white pupils sparkling as he intently stared at the smaller male.
"Sure are Sportsy! I haven't spent actual time with anyone, not like I can."
He said with a small smile, jack nodded and gazed around the room for a moment. Dave just..stared at jack again,  going deep into thought about why he always felt like this around the orange male, he suspected that he might like him, but he just wasn't...sure about it, he just- wasn't sure, so, he decided to ask jack about it.
"Hey uhm..Sportsy?"
Jack moved his white pupils over to look at Dave, a brow raised when he heard the questioning tone in his voice.
"Yeah, Dave?"
Dave fiddled with his purple fingers for a moment, staring down at the cold concrete floor before looking back at the smaller, orange male. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and finally spoke up.
"When do you ah- when do you know that you like someone..?"
Jack just blankly stared, a confused expression on his face as he furrowed his brows, fixating his white pupils to the ground for a moment before looking back at Dave.
"Just- I dunno, getting all worked up around them? Why?"
Dave swallowed harshly...ok so he fucking did like jack...
Dave muttered, tapping one of his fingers on his inner thigh, letting out a shaky sigh as he looked at jack, who looked completely clueless, a confused grin on his face as his white pupils stared up at the taller aubergine colored man. Dave finally mustered up the courage to tell him, he was now very sure that he liked jack, hell, even loved him.
"S-sp-Jack. I-I uh..."
He swallowed thickly, jack seemed rather surprised to see Dave of all people use his real name, usually he would use nicknames like 'old sport' or 'Sportsy' hell, he even called him his 'orange baby' once. Those..are the things that made him love the damn aubergine man, falling for a charming child killer, what a story. He patiently waited for Dave to continue, just wondering what he was going to say.
"I uhm...I-I uh.."
He struggled looking for the right words, narrowing his eyes for a moment as he swallowed thickly, before he just blurted it out, putting his fingers together in a shy manner.
"I-I like you- w-wait no not like- I-I love you Sportsy-"
He swallowed, feeling his face heat up more, though a small smile curled onto his lips when he saw jack's expression change from pure confusion to just- surprise. He saw jack's face flush, turning a bright orange color as he silently stared at Dave.
" do?.."
Dave nodded eagerly, receiving a small surprised huff from jack as he scooted closer to Dave and just..leaned his head against the aubergine man's shoulder. He felt..happy, honestly, knowing Dave felt the same damn way.
"I love you too dave."
Dave could feel his face heating up again, craning his neck to stare at the smaller orange male before slowly leaning his head against the smaller male's head. Here They both sat, in the Saferoom, against a wall, both of them just confessing to each other, and now they are basically huddling.
This was an amazing day for Dave.

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