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Grace Witherland didn't like people. Or vampires, for that matter.

She would never forget the night she was turned for as long as she existed. She would never forgot how loud she screamed, or those wicked men, or Betty's lifeless body, battered black and blue with bruises.

She would never forget the burning pain as the venom coursed through her veins, and she never forget the ruby red eyes of the vampire that had turned her.

She killed him, of course.

As she sped through the woods, her unbeating heart clenched at the thought of Betty. Her first and only love.

Taking an shuddering yet unnecessary breath, she slowed down. She shook the thoughts out of her head and slunk out of the woods and towards the sparsely populated town, hoping for a quick and easy meal.

I'm so thirsty, was all she could think as she jumped onto a lone hiker walking along the edge of the town.

Grace relished his blood, enjoying the sweet and warm fluid and sucking him completely dry. She frowned when she saw the blood splatters on her dress. Sure, dresses weren't the most conventional clothing item for hunting, but this was her favorite. Lavender. Betty's favorite color. Favorite flower, too.

She slung the man's body over her shoulder, moving deeper into the woods and burying it.

Once she was done, she got up and dusted off her hands. Slowly, she began heading north.

In her multiple decades as a vampire, Grace had never really settled down. Moving around gave her something to do. A purpose.

She sighed audibly. Maybe she would go go Canada. She sped up.

Although she hated this life, she never grew tired of just how fast she could run. The wind was icy, slapping against her skin, and her shoulder-length hair would whip around her neck.

She had only been running for an hour when she heard light footsteps behind her, easily catching up with her. She snarled, for she was very weary, before catching the scent. Garrett.

Garrett was her favorite vampire, and her only friend. He had tracked her down when he realized that there was a newborn vampire bringing havoc among a small town. From there, he taught her everything she needed to know.

"Garrett," she greeted easily.

"Hi Grace," he said, grinning. "Where are you headed?"

"Canada, I think."

"Okay. Mind taking a detour that could possibly lead to our deaths?"

Grace raised an eyebrow, considering.

"Sure. What exactly is this this detour?"

"The Cullens are gathering witnesses to go against the Volturi."

"Wow." Grace had heard lots of things about the Cullens but had never met them in person. They were a strange lot, drinking animal blood instead of human, and having so many vampires in a coven. "The Volturi? Really?"

"Yeah. Still up for it?"

She shrugged. "What do I have to lose?"

The trip only took a couple of hours. When they arrived in Forks, Washington, Grace was wishing that she had stayed away.

Scents of vampires were everywhere. Clenching her fists, she looked at Garrett nervously.

"You okay there G?"

"Exactly how many vamps are here?"

"I don't know," Garrett shrugged. "Ten?"

"This smells like much more than ten, Garrett," Grace said.

"You're right," he sniffed the air. "Maybe there's twenty. Are you okay with that? Or do you want to turn back?"

Grace's internal struggle must have been not-so-internal, because Garrett placed a hand on her shoulder and comforted her.

"It's okay if you don't want to."

"I don't want to," she whispered sadly.

"Then that's okay," Garrett enthused, "we can go to back to our trip to Canada."

"It was my trip," Grace reminded him.

"It's our trip now. Come on, oh! It's Rosalie and Emmett!"

Just a few yards away, Grace spotted two vampires. A huge, buff brunet waved at them. Garrett waved back, and Grace gave him a tight lipped smile.

And next to him was— oh, next to him was the most exquisite girl she had ever seen. She had beautiful blonde hair down to the middle of her back, and shining gold eyes that could pierce through sunlight. A delicate yet fierce aura surrounded her, protecting her.

It took everything in her power to not let her jaw drop.

"Rosalie, did you say her name was?" It rolled off her tongue perfectly. Rosalie.


"Is she single?" Grace demanded in a low voice, quiet enough so that they couldn't hear.

Garrett smirked. "Last time I checked, yes."

"Garrett... Did you hit on her?"

"Well, possibly," he replied sheepishly.

"What did she say?"

"Well, after she twisted my arm and punched me in the nose, she said that she wasn't into men."

Her heart fluttered and if she were a human, she would have blushed with joy. Sneaking a glance back at the two, Grace smiled a bit.

"Let's stay."


"I want to stay."

"You're telling me... you're going to stay here in Forks, even though you're uncomfortable with human and vampire interaction, and even though you could die, so that you can bang the girl? Even though you were uncomfortable with this idea a mere twenty seconds ago?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" Grace hissed. "Come on, are you going to introduce me to her or not!"

Garrett grinned.

"Of course I will. Follow me."

in which grace is an anxiety-ridden useless gay.

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