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Mina POV:

I Telepathed Tzuyu once we got back to the classroom.

"Tzu, Sana caught me."

"What??!!!" he appeared at the door a minute later, looking at me.

"Mr. Chou, Please have a seat." The teacher said. Tzuyu nodded and sat back to his seat.

"What she did find out? Did you brainwash her?" He asked, glancing at me.

"She saw my breakthrough of teleportation.I haven't even unlocked brainwashing, I still need one more year to unlock it."

"Did she see the whole breakthrough process including the mixing of powers which will show blood or just the last process of bursting which shows the eye color.?"

"Only the eye color."

"Then it's okay. Just tell her not to tell anyone."

I let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness Tzuyu didn't scold me. I saw Tzuyu and Sana flirting, and Tzuyu had a tiny bit of panicking in him. Oh god, Sana made Tzuyu blush!!!

Tzuyu POV:

"tzuyu yah, where did you go just now? I followed you out but I cant see you." Sana asked me.

"I ran to the bathroom." I said.

"Don't lie Tzuyu. The bathroom is at the other side of the corridor. It'll at least take 4.83 seconds to arrive for Usian bolt's fastest speed. Don't tell me you're faster than Usian Bolt,Tzuyu." Sana looked into my eyes.

Fuck my eyes are turning blue...Thank good I'm wearing lens. "I sneaked into next door." I lied again, hoping this would work. She seemed to have trust me a bit.

"I sneaked in at the back door to give Chaeyoung his art brushes, he forgot it in my bag."

"Hmmm really? I trust you're not lying this time.I thought you're courting me? Then don't even try to lie to me or else." Sana threatened. I nodded like a child. Geez this woman is scary.


"Chaeyoungie!!!" Sana called. "Yes Sana noona?"

"Did you have art class just now?"

"Yeah." he replied.

"Then did you forget your brushes with Tzuyu?" Sana asked.

"I told her I gave you your brushes during lesson cuz you left them in my bag." I told him telepathically.

Chaeyoung smirked."You owe me one bro." He said back and told Sana. "yeah, he did. I forgot to take them back yesterday, I put them in Tzuyu's bag while I was packing my bags."

"Oh okay. We'll be going now bye!" Sana smiled and took my hand.

"Well where are you taking me Mr. Tzuyu?" Sana asked.

"Well Ms.Sana I afraid that shouldn't be revealed this soon." I mimicked her tone. She giggled and got onto my car.

How am I going to tell her...


"Hmmm?" She hummed.

"We're going to a secret place near your home." I spilled.

"A secret place?" She seemed interested.

"Mhm. I'm sure you haven't been there." of course you haven't been there stupid. It's one of the backup bases of Vampile in the human world. Why did we build it in hunter harbor? sure it could be dangerous since it's in the hunter's base, but it would be the best place to spy too. it's dangerous and risky, so it's just a backup base.

What are you-an original satzu fanfic[Completed✅]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang