Sad storytime with Germany

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Poland laid in his boyfriend's arms. They were watching TV in the living room. More like Germany was watching, since Poland was too busy melting in his embrace. He had his eyes closed and listened to Germany's heartbeat. The German's arms were wrapped around Poland tightly, making him feel safe. Poland almost fell asleep. Then Germany shook him gently. 

"Are you awake?", he whispered.

Poland's eyes fluttered open and he stirred a little.


Germany smiled and ran his fingers through Poland's hair.

"The film ended", he softly said. "We should go to bed."

The Polish boy whined and pushed his face in Germany's chest.

"I like it here though", he muttered.

"I know you do", the German smiled. "But we have a long day tomorrow, so we should go to bed early."

Poland sighed and got off of Germany. Germany stood up as well and fixed his glasses.

"I need to clean the lenses again", he muttered "Glasses are such a pain."

"Why do you wear them?", Poland asked.

"What kind of a question is that? Too see."

"No, I mean what's the problem with your eyes? Are you farsighted or shortsighted? I'm just curious."

Germany didn't reply. He stared at the floor, gripping the fabric of his pants. Poland sensed that something was wrong. He wrapped his arms around Germany and hugged him tight. Germany leaned into Poland's touch.

The two stayed like that for a log time. Finally the German carefully got out of his boyfriend's embrace. He smiled and caressed his cheek. Poland looked at him with worry.

"I'm okay", Germany whispered.

"Are you sure?"

The German took a deep breath.

"Yes." He sighed. "You probably have a bunch of questions you want to ask..."

"I do, but we'll leave them for later."

"No, you out of all people deserve to know."

Germany exhaled and leaned back. Poland moved closer to him, ready to comfort him at any moment.

"First your question from before- I'm neither farsighted nor shortsighted. I'm pretty much bind without my glasses. Have you opened your eyes underwater? That's my vision, but 10 times worse."

Germany went silent for a second. Then he continued.

"It wasn't always like that. When I was young I had an incredible eyesight."

"What happened?", Poland asked quietly.

Germany let out a heavy sigh. 

"One night I was in my room when I heard a crash from downstairs. I got up and went to see if everything is okay... it wasn't. It wasn't okay at all. I- I saw him. Getting drunk. Again."

Poland shivered a little. Germany noticed and took his hand.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like it when he is mentioned."

"Don't worry about me", the Polish boy softly said. "You can continue, if you want."

Germany gently smiled at his lover. He resumed talking.

"He had drank more than usual that night. I remember that the floor was covered in empty bottles and shattered glass", Germany sighed. "You'll probably call me an idiot for what I did next... I... I approached him."

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