Chapter twenty one

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Will's POV*

Yesterday was New Years and it was a great night. We finally got announced as the biggest boyBand in the U.S.

IM5 are the most boyBand that has been on the news more than a hundred times. This is amazing, we're huge.

Last night was the best performance ever, and I heard Dana and David have girlfriends. How did they get girls that fast? Huh.

Anyways, we can't wait to see what happens in the future. But right now, we have a show to put together.

"Ok you're on boys" said Jill, our manager
It's time for our performance at the ASPCA rock n roll benefit concert in New York. It's a new thing here.
We performed there about a thousand times, this has to be our thousand and one No joke though.

A few minutes later*
"Thank you guys" said David as he waved to the fans
"And don't forget to bye tickets for twerk du soliel after two weeks" said Cole
"by the way, twerk du soliel is in L.A" said Dana
the fans said they know that.

"good night everybody" said David

we left the stage and we went back stage.

we we're walking backstage when suddenly Isaac Stern (our producer) walks towards us and says

"Boys, I loved your performance last night at Times Square" he said

"Thanks Isaac" said David

"And a lot of music produces wanna sign you to record deals." He said even more excited

'Wow, that's awesome" said Cole

"Yeah, and I wanna tell you boys something" he said

"Yeah sure" I told him

"I want you to travel across the world and go on tour." He told them

"What? On tour??" Asked Dana so shocked

"Yes, on tour" he repeated

"This is amazing, this is the thing we've been waiting for our whole lives" said Gabe

"Exactly" he told them

"This is the best news ever!" I told him

"How long is the tour?" Asked David

"Two years" said Isaac

"Are you serious?" Asked Cole

"Yep, two years" isaac said

"Wow, amazing!"said dana

Then The boys looked at Ally, Alex, Becca, Diana, and Naveya, and their parents (the boy's parents)....then they looked at Isaac with a sad look.

"But we can't" I told him

"What?! Why not?" Isaac asked in as shocked way

"Our whole lives are in L.A, we can't just leave our friends and family" said Cole

"But this is a once in a life time opportunity" said Isaac

Gabe looked at the girls and said

"We just can't leave them" said gabe

"Look, this is really important, this can change your lives!" Said Isaac

"We can't do it Isaac" said David

"If you don't get on that bus by today, I'm firing you from my label. and I can make the whole world think you're bullshit! So either you go on tour, or you can kiss IM5 goodbye!" He said

Then he left in a mad way.

We looked at each other in shock and sadness. We have no idea what to do.

We can either go on tour and make our career a success, or we can either stay with our friends and family and be happy and not be IM5 anymore.

If we don't go on that tour, we can never be IM5 again.

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