Just keep my eyes open

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*Keith's pov*

The whole day I was sitting in front of Lance his pod not taking my eyes off of him, inspecting his light yellow glowing eyes. "come on Lance wake up" I whisper softly my voice shaking a bit. I look down and close my eyes for the first time in hours. At the same time as when I close my eyes a soft gentle purr ran through the castle. It was a comforting feeling and I smile softly. After a while I look back up at Lance immediately looking at his eyes. I gasp and stand up "Lance" I whisper softly.

*Lance's pov*

As I open my eyes slowly the darkness has disappeared and it was replaced by a soft light and a familiar face. It was the face of the person I was looking for "Keith" I say softly and smile. "Keith, I found you" I say as I want to take a step forward but notice that i can't. 'oh, i'm in a healing pod' I think to myself and slowly touch the glass as I keep my eyes on Keith.

*Keith's pov*

I look at Lance, hearing him softly say my name as I walk towards the pod. As Lance placed his hand against the glass so do I as a tear rolls down my cheek. "you're alive" I whisper and smile. "stay still I'll open up the pod" I say and walk to the control panel trying to figure out how to open it. "just give me a minute, I'll figure it out" I say to reassure more myself than Lance that I will get him out of there. As i was trying to figure out the control panel, Lance was just looking at me and smiling whispering something. but it was to soft for me to hear.

*Lance's pov*

I was watching Keith as he tried to figure out how to get me out of the pod, I smile and whisper "I finally found you" it was clear from his face that he could not hear what I said, but that didn't matter because I would tell him later. After a few minutes of struggling Keith finally managed to open the pod. He rushed to the front of the pod to catch me, which he did. I fell into his arms and smiled relaxing into his touch, still being to weak to hol my own weight.

*Keith's pov*

As I held Lance in my arms I slowly went down to the floor holding him close to my chest. "I got you" I whispered softly resting my head against his knowing he was still weak I decided to care for him for now and forever. I looked down at Lance, he slowly looked up and smiled. I was so happy that the one that I love was still alive that i couldn't stop myself. I gently hold Lance his head in my hands and lean forward kissing him softly closing my eyes. After a few seconds I pull away and whisper,

"I love you Lance"


finally an update after so long.

are we nearing the end? maybe? maybe there will be more? who truly knows.

anyway hope you guys enjoyed this shitty chapter.

author out ^^

Keep on trying but...for what?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora