Apologies [Short]

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Chapter 3


(Aloha's P.O.V)

The next day I woke up feeling like a pile of trash. I was happy to have things fixed with Army, but I wasn't happy about how he treated my team yesterday. All they were trying to do was help.

I decided that I was going to apologize in person. So, I quickly got ready for the day and headed out. Straw and Octoglasses were roommates in an apartment a few blocks down, so I went there first.

I knocked on their door hoping they weren't too upset with me. It was Octoglasses who opened the door.

"What do you want?" she grumbled.

"To apologize, I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"What!? I can't hear you!" Octoglasses yelled.

"I sai—" I started but was cut off.

"I'm just kidding! Your more serious than usual, Aloha." Octoglasses laughed.

"What's going on?" Straw yelled from a different room.

"NOTHING!" Octoglasses shouted.

"Well, I need to head to Diver's," I said with a small smile "Tell Straw I said 'sorry, please."

Octoglasses nodded and then closed the door when I left. As I walked to Diver's house, I started to feel better. I knocked on his door.

"Hello there, Aloha," Diver said sleepily.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about treating you guys that way yesterday," I apologized.

"It's okay" he said with a happy smile.

We said our farewells and I walked towards the plaza. When I arrived immediately bumped into Army when I wasn't paying attention, causing him to drop his manual.

"Sorr— oh hey Army!" I smiled.


This was the stupidest thing ever 😅. I just needed to get past that to get into the next chapter!


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