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Chapter 6


(Nobody's P.O.V)

Aloha woke up with more excitement than a kid on their birthday. It was graduation day!!! Aloha was so happy to be done with school, done with teachers and principals, and most of all... homework.

Aloha got ready so fast you would have been sure he was Flash's cousin. Soon after getting ready he hopped into the car and drove off to school.

The school day went by pretty fast to Aloha's surprise. Aloha just couldn't wait to throw a huge graduation party and get together with all his friends!

He and Army went over to his house to set up. Army was still confused about how Aloha had even convinced him to help but he was there, and there he was.

They hung up streamers, blew up balloons, and set out food and drinks. After what seemed to be hours they were done. As they waited for the guests to arrive Aloha and Army sat next to each other chatting.

Soon enough Aloha's team knocked on the door and walked in. They were followed by what seemed to be every person Army ever met.

Music blasted for hours without end. The party was so lit. Everyone was having the time of their lives! It was a little too much for Army so he stayed in his boyfriend's room scrolling through his phone for a while before Aloha walked in.

"You okay, Army?" Aloha asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Army laughed. "But you go and have fun. I'll be fine."

"I'll go back down in a sec," Aloha smiled.

He walked over and sat next to Army and give him a hug and a small kiss on the cheek. He felt Army blush.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, Alle, just go have fun. I'll come down in a bit." Army said with a little smile.

After a few minutes, Army went back downstairs and marveled at what was happening. There were people dancing, people drinking, and anything else you could honestly think of. He walked down into the living room and towards the snack bar they had set out.


The next morning Army woke up on the couch with Aloha underneath him. He had no memory of what had happened last night. Aloha shifted under him and soon woke up looking just as confused.

"W-what happened?" Aloha asked hastily, yanking the hair tie out of his hair to help his headache.

"No idea," Army answered.

The room smelled of candy and alcohol. Army got up and looked around. This is a huge mess!'

There was confetti, knocked down streamers, plastic cups, and trash everywhere. Army sighed, got up, and started cleaning. Aloha got up more slowly, still half asleep.

When Aloha was finally was completely awake he saw what seemed like a piece of clothing on the floor. He picked it up. It was Octoglasse's bra! (The name on the back said "Octoglasses" lol) He flung it across the room.

"Ew! Now I'm happy I don't remember what happened last night!" Aloha said as he wiped his hand on his shirt.

The bra landed on Army's shoe. He groaned, picked it up with the tips of his index finger and thumb, and walked to the trash to throw it away. Only if my parents could see me now, Army shuttered at the thought.

After the apartment was livable he and Aloha slumped back onto the couch. Aloha pulled out his phone and scrolled through all the notifications from Inkstagram. Most of them were about his party last night.

Army was sitting on Aloha's lap half asleep. Aloha soon put down his phone and rested his head on Army's shoulder.

"I love you," Army mumbled, half asleep again.

"Mmh.. love you too babe," Aloha answered, rubbing his tired eyes.

"No more parties for a while..."


They sat there in comfortable silence for a while, Army in between Aloha's legs. Aloha took Army's hat off and untied his tentacles. The orange inkling simply sighed contently. Sleep tugged at both of their tired eyes. Soon though, the two fell back asleep.


Little Army doesn't like parties lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!


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