Not a Date!

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Chapter 4

Not a Date!

"Oh uh.. h-hey, A-Aloha.." he stuttered back.

(Army's P.O.V)

I honestly was upset with myself for stuttering. Stuttering made me just feel... awkward. And best of all it was Aloha who heard me. I picked up my manual and looked up at him.

"Whatchya doin'?" he asked.

"Nothing much," besides who gave you the right to bother me?" I teased deciding to change the mood.

I must have really caught him off guard because he just stood there for a couple of seconds.

(Aloha's P.O.V)

I wasn't used to having Army be like this, but it's good to have the old Army back. The one who didn't let anyone walk by him and give him a dirty look without a fight.

"Who told you that you could go around starting arguments?!" I retorted.

"Who told you that I wasn't allowed to?!"

"Who told you—" I was stopped when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see my team and Army's team standing behind us.

"We should play some turf!" Octoglasses smiled.

"Yeah!" said Diver.

"I'm down!" I said happily.

(Nobody's P.O.V)

"What about your boyfriend's team? Would they play turf with us?~" Straw teased.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Aloha screamed.

"Okay, okay." Diver said. "No need to be so defensive."

Aloha huffed and looked at Army. Army looked confused, flustered, and happy all at the same time. He also had a light blush. Aloha chuckled.

"So would you play turf with us?" Aloha finally asked.

Army looked at his team, they politely nodded while they grinned at him. He rolled his eyes at them and then answered:

"Sure, but be ready to lose!"

"Oh yeah right," Aloha said sticking his pink tongue out.

~~~~~~ LATER ~~~~~~

Army was heading out of the plaza when Aloha stopped him.

"We should go out!" Aloha said with a wide smile.

"O-on a... d-date!?" Army said wide-eyed.

"... I meant as friends," Aloha justified.

"Oh okay. Where to?" Army said as his blush started to soften.

"There's the JellyBaye restaurant, the café, or the restaurant next to the hat shop, or..." Aloha listed off.

"Café sounds nice," Army said with a little smile.

"Great let's go!" Aloha said grabbing Army's hand.

Army tensed not expecting Aloha to do such a thing. As they walked to the café Army saw his and Aloha's team making kissy-lips and love-eyes at them. He glared at them hoping Aloha didn't see. Aloha didn't, thank cod. But Army was gonna murder his own teammates afterward.

Aloha opened the door for Army when they arrived. They took a seat in the booth next to a large window.

"Ooo the mocha looks good! Or what about the strawberry kiwi smoothie? I can't decide!" Aloha sighed.

"I'll just get the regular iced coffee," Army stated.

"Pshh, your so boring Army~" Aloha teased.

"What?! It's good!" Army retorted.

"Mhmm?" Aloha continued teasing.

"Fine! I'll get the kiwi banana smoothie if it makes you happier," Army finally gave in.

"I'll get the strawberry kiwi one," Aloha said as he got up to order.

Once he came back with the drinks, Army asked, "Do you want the money back?"

"Nah, I made a lot off those turf wars against your team today."

Army rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, only off the one win you guys got!" he laughed.

(Aloha's P.O.V)

I never heard Army laugh before. It was a very cute laugh which made me laugh even more. I wiped a tear from my eye and then realized it would be a great time to uhhhh....

"-Hey, Army..." I started.

"Yes, Aloha?" he answered.

"I have something to tell you..."


"I... really like you," I said blushing like crazy.

There was a full 10 seconds of silence until:

"You like, like me?" he asked, blushing.


"I like you too Aloha. But I bet you already knew that from reading through my dairy!" he laughed.

I laughed too.

"Would you be my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Of course, Aloha," he said with a huge smile.

We walked out of the café, hand in hand. I felt like I new person. I was so happy! I could just imagine our future together.

I turned and saw mine and Army's team high-fiving and laughing as we walked away. I saw Army looking at them with a scowl on his face. Ooooh, so they've been bothering him about it too. I chuckled. It was going to be a great day tomorrow.


Was it a date... maaaybe. Poor little bois lol.


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