Chapter 1: Grimassi's Pizzeria
The flickering lights of the sign bathed me in a neon crimson. "Grimassi's Pizzeria" was spelled out in a zesty font, contrasting with the aged store front and grungy back alley it was situated in. I grimaced at the shady building and the black alley cat that was busy eating a rat in front of it. The place was literally a dump...
On any other occasion, I would have never stepped foot in such a place unless I had a death wish. Alas, this wasn't any other occasion and I was on the desperate side of the spectrum of destitute that irresponsibly convinced me to throw caution to the wind in the face of money.
And so here I was. In the back of a creepy alley. In front of a sketchy pizza place...of which I was trying to work at.
I sighed, bemoaning my poor life choices. Having recently been laid off at my previous job was a blow to my pride and my bank account which groaned with hunger pains. I'll be the first to admit that I had a temperament that meshed with customer service as well as toothpaste and orange juice. So while disappointing, it wasn't a surprise when I had ended up dumping a milkshake on a KarenTM who had pushed one of my buttons a trite too hard.
The satisfaction I felt in that moment was long gone in the sobering reality I was now in. Being a broke bitch in college was not good, especially since I also had rent and bills to pay. This fact was made painfully clear to me by my insufferable roommate.
"The fuck do you mean you got fired?!"
I dropped my bag on the ground with little care, ears ringing from the banshee's screech. 'Jeez, why not try using your inside voice for once?'
Standing across from me was said banshee/roommate/cousin, Angie, whose glaring emerald green eyes were dark and piercing enough to cut through stone. Long having gotten used to the look, I easily ignored her fuming and made a beeline towards the stove. I took off the stupid hat that made up a part of the uniform of my old job. The sight of the cartoon cow on it filled me with a deep disgust and I was more than eager to get rid of it.
"Did I stutter?" I snapped, pulling out a pan and some matches. "I got fired. Discharged. Booted in the ass and out the door."
I placed the pan on the stove and slammed the hat in it. The cow looked up at me with that stupid smile and the ice in my heart momentarily melted by the lit match in my hand. No wonder pyromaniacs liked to set shit on fire! I could already feel that sweet, sweet serotonin flowing through my brain at the impending destruction~! Before I could put on end to the infernal hat though, I was stopped by Angie who slammed her palms on the counter next to me.
"Girl, you're seriously pulling on my dick right now!" Her matte red lips pulled into a pit-bull like snarl. "You seriously lost another job? For Christ's sake that's the fifth one in the past three months!"
"I've noticed...Shit!" I yelped when the fire of the match burned down to my fingers. I dropped it with a wince, a surge of anger towards the cow swelling up like a wave. (It is up to you, dear readers to figure out which cow I was referring too).
"GuH, I've NOtiCed." Angie mocked, bending her arms like a chicken before sharply poking me in the chest in quick sucession. "Have you also noticed that the rent is due soon? That the water bill needs to be paid? That since you no longer have a job, I can finally kick your bummy ass out?!"

It's Not DiGiorno, It's Demonic!
ParanormalMonster Guys x Reader In desperate need for money, (Full Name) applies for a job offer as a pizza delivery girl that pays suspiciously well. All is fine for the first few shifts, but once she's given a last-minute order on a graveyard shift to a pl...