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"APPROACHING THE NORWEGIAN BORDERS". announced the System Speaker. "We're here. Lets land from behind."Safi suggested. "Get the stuff out the trunk," I said. Activate invisibility shield." "ACTIVATING INVISIBILITY SHIELD" the system replied.
We land at a clearing a few feet away. "Great the windows open. Makes it easier for us". said Safi. "Remember, we're getting in and out, the last thing we need is a shootout." I explained.
We enter the Warehouse. "Spread out," O'Wana tells us. I honestly loved that she was there to take charge just in case. Her being there puts me at ease knowing I have a future warrior on my side.
"In case one of us is being attacked we shout 'Pineapple' twice." She adds. "Why pineapple? Why not Grapes, or guava or Papaya?" Safi asks sarcastically. "Safi! Shush." I respond. We spread out and around. O'Wana goes upstairs. Safi goes down the hall, and I look from room to room. I go from room to room and find nothing but empty white walls and cardboard boxes.
"See anything yet?" O'Wana asks over the bead bracelet."No. I've looked in almost all the rooms." I reply. "And there are no enemy agents," Safi adds. "Wait...I found a Komoyo bracelet. The agents were definitely here. But where did they go?" "Stay there. I'm coming." replied O'Wana.
I look around for Safi, but I hear muffled voices coming from a oddly large closet. I tell the others.
"Down the hall from Safi and a left turn." "Stay there, we're coming," O'Wana tells me. "Safi, do you have the Protection Beads?" O'Wana asks her. "Yes." she replied.
They walk down the hall and take a turn on their left. There they find me standing in front of the closet. "Open it." Safi tells O'Wana. "Yeah O'Wana, open it." I add. She scoffs, "Fine."
     She touches the handle and opens the door... only to find the missing agents. "We found them!" exclaimed Safi. They were tied up and had duck tape to their mouths. Amateurs. "Good. Now let's untie them and get out of here!" I said.
      "Oh your not going anywhere." said a voice behind us in which we turned around to see and it was a female enemy agent. "More Wakandians..more secrets of their countries to spill. Drop your weapons." She demanded.
"And what if we refuse?" Safi asked.
The female agent immediately runs and attacks O'Wana. Safi comes from behind and gives a knee to the neck.
     "O'Wana untie the agents! We'll hold her off!" I told her. Safi hits her with a spinning back kick. O'Wana unties both the agents. I throw Lana against the wall, and use the ropes from the untied agents and take her out with a chop. O'Wana watches surprisingly. "Hey I learned that from you." I tell her. "Okay. We just did that." Safi said. "Alright. Great, lets go." O'Wana tells us. We pick up the fallen war dogs and make our way out.
     "You're forgetting something." a male voice says from behind. "Did you really think that the warehouse would be guarded with only one guard?" said another coming from the opposite direction. "I kinda did!" I replied loudly. "We don't have time to fight, we need to go!"O'Wana proclaimed. Safi turned and noticed a stream not far from here."Everyone, get behind me." She said as she urged us to move behind her. "Wait what, why?" I asked. She turned her head towards me and said "Trust me."
     We all get behind her, as she closes her eyes and sticks her left arm out to the open window. At first we were confused, but then O'Wana turned and saw the stream and quickly realized what she was doing. Then we hear water sloshing. "Do you hear that?" I asked O'Wana.
"I do. Back up a bit." she answered.
       Then suddenly, a large amount of water comes in through the window, and splashed onto the enemy agents blowing them off their feet, then another wave of water came in and washed the enemies out, leaving us enough time to escape. "Okay Safi that was incredible!" I exclaimed. I'd never seen water be manipulated like that before.
       We run towards the window and since its to small, we each had to get out one at a time.
"Not so fast." a voice from behind tells us. "Damn another one, man they just won't die!" I exclaimed. They start shooting and we duck, tuck and roll managing to avoid the bullets. "O'Wana, the Protection Beads!" I called out. She tosses the beads to me. "Vula! Activate! Everyone get under me!" I called. The beads make dome like shield and we run towards the window.
       "It's too small! Hold on." O'Wana says as she grabs her spear and makes an opening large enough for all of us to fit through."Hurry the beads won't last much longer!" I exclaim. We make it out and run towards the hovercraft. "Disable the invisibility shield!" I call out. "DEACTIVATING INVISIBILITY SHIELD" the System Speaker replies. "You guys go. I have an idea." Safi tells us.
     We board the hovercraft and Safi does her concentration face. Suddenly, we hear lots of gushing water, then under Safi's control, a large blob of water comes hovering over the warehouse and with a snap of her fingers and the water drops on the warehouse destroying it. She boards the hovercraft, we close our doors, and get out.
"Woohoo! We did it!" Safi says jumping up and down. O'Wana sighs, "Yes, we did." "Are you guys okay?"I asked the War Dogs. "We're fine." The woman replied. "Thank you for coming to our rescue, Your Highness." Said the male. "No problem, and you can call me T'Zani."I replied.
     "Aright, let's get out of here." Safi said. "Navigate home and activate autopilot." O'Wana tells the system speaker. "NAVIGATING WAKANDA AND ACTIVATING AUTOPILOT, HAVE A GREAT DAY." the System speaker replied.

The Rise of Kid PantherWhere stories live. Discover now