More Than a Nightmare

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You are the nightmare in my life

But I don't want you gone

An annoying thought in my mind

But I don't want it to ever leave

You're the cause of my stress,

My annoyance, and my inability to focus

You're the cause of almost everything

So why do you think I haven't thought about you

Why do you think I am another one of the other people you annoy

Why do you not even care if I do anything different than what I usually do

Why do you think I'm your enemy

Why do you think I can't be trusted

Why can't I care

Why out of everything

Why you

Why this

Why do you have to be the cause of everything

Why do you make me feel aggravated but loved

I don't need a friend

But you're making me feel like I do

How are you not bothered by me

You're the one who secretly turns my own thoughts against me


You nightmare

Why do you have to be worth more than others

Why does there have to be a reason for you to be in my life

Why does there have to be a reason for me to like you

Why do you have to do that to me

Love is not in my vocabulary

So why would you do that

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