Chapter 3

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The trees seemed to never end. Zan Yu felt his exhaustion pulling his eyelids down once again. This time, however, he had lasted longer than before. He gazed affectionately down at the hardworking stallion, uncomplainingly carrying him ahead. An's dark fur had completely dried since their encounter with the lake. Zan Yu took a deep breath and adjusted his grip on the reins. The moon had emerged and was slowly making its way higher in the sky while the bright orange stains of the receding sun faded away.

Every once in a while, Zan Yu would catch Tai Shi glancing behind him as he stretched or surveyed the new area. Zan Yu felt a surge of awe every time Tai Shi's twisting torso outlined the toned muscles in his back. The job of a palace worker did not offer much free time to train his own muscles. Nonetheless, the job itself was tough enough to keep Zan Yu fit. Tai Shi was just on another level in Zan Yu's eyes.

"We're nearing the village, fellas." Jingfei shook her curls out of her face, tilting her head back and cracking her neck. "Ah, how I've longed for a nice, cozy bed." Zan Yu grinned, his dimples even deeper than Jingfei's. Tai Shi pulled out his neatly tied shirt and cloak and undid the knots in the string. He somehow managed to gracefully pull the shirt over his head and retie his cloak without losing balance as his hands left the reins of his horse.

"Where will we be spending the night, Fei?" Tai Shi's voice did not show any sign of worry. He seemed to put a lot of trust in Jingfei. "Do you know someone in this village?"

"I don't know anyone specifically, but a lot of travelers pass through this area. There should be an inn where we can rest tonight."

When the lights of the village came into view, Zan Yu let out a long sigh. He could finally relax without worrying about the dangers of the wilderness. He had noticed some food was missing after the previous night, but he was not entirely sure if it was a wild animal or just a midnight snacker among the three of them. It was most likely Jingfei— a wild animal, herself.

Jingfei pulled her horse to a stop and dismounted. Tai Shi and Zan Yu followed suit. They had reached a small garden filled with various fruits and vegetables ripening on their plants. Zan Yu was tempted to reach out and pluck just one, but he knew that the villager had worked hard for this food. He couldn't take advantage of their labor. The others moved on past, as well.

A set of stables stood at the end of the row of tiny cottages. Not many people were out in this area of the village. There were a few men heading home, a couple taking a stroll, and some older children chatting in front of a well— probably collecting water for the night. None of them took a second glance at the trio.

"I'm pretty sure the inn is just past the stables." Jingfei guided her horse to the wooden structure and tied him to one of the posts. Tai Shi followed her actions with his own elegance. Zan Yu got a little help from Jingfei to get his own stallion through the doors, but he did most of the work himself this time.

The inn was a small, old building that looked like it had been through many years of visitors. A dimming kerosene lamp lit the entrance with a soft yellow hue. Jingfei knocked twice and entered through the large wooden door. Tai Shi held it open for her and let Zan Yu pass by. Zan Yu nodded to him in appreciation. The interior of the inn was surprisingly neater than Zan Yu expected. The front desk was occupied by a tattered book, a few feather pens, and a stained ink well. Two small bookshelves lined the left wall. Zan Yu spotted Jingfei and Tai Shi both skimming over the spines. Something caught Jingfei's eye, and she hurried over and picked it out for herself. Zan Yu tilted his head, trying to read the title. He read the word 'passionate' and raised his eyebrows at her. She stared back at him.

"What? You interested?" Zan Yu shook his head. "Wanna fight?" Zan Yu's gaze flitted to Tai Shi as he released his deep laugh. Tai Shi gave Zan Yu a sympathetic look and turned back to Jingfei.

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