Chapter 12

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"Am I too late? Are all the brownies gone?" Tai Shi entered the room like the main actor in a highly acclaimed play, looking positively dashing with his red silk shirt embroidered with golden designs. He strode over to the empty seat at the other head of the table between Nuwa and Kuo. They greeted him with small bows like it came naturally to them. Out of the corner of Zan Yu's eyes, he saw Qiu's hand move to his face. Zan Yu glanced at Qiu. His eyebrows were knit into a deep frown. As fast as his angered expression appeared, it vanished. A smile broke through as he stood and greeted Tai Shi from his seat. An unsettling feeling came over Zan Yu.

"Good evening, Sh—" Kuo stopped mid sentence as Fei grunted. No, cleared her throat. "Tai Shi," Kuo continued with a smile, "I saved some from these wild creatures." He placed two brownies on Tai Shi's plate.

"Oh, thank you. Just one is enough." As he was talking, Liling snatched the brownie on top. Tai Shi and Kuo both looked startled. She placed it on her own plate, but Kuo took it back.

"Heyy, if Fei takes two, I take two." Liling pouted and glared at Kuo.

"Wait, when did she do that?" Kuo looked up and blinked. Liling just waited. "Ohhh, okay." He handed her another brownie from the plate. "Thanks, Tai Shi." Kuo just shook his head in defeat. Tai Shi chuckled and looked over at Zan Yu. Zan Yu fought the urge to look away.

"Lucky you," Tai Shi's gaze glossed over the table, "They made all of their favorite dishes for you." Zan Yu noticed everyone looking at him, waiting for his answer. Everyone except Qiu, who was staring unwaveringly at Tai Shi.

"The food is really wonderful." He looked around the table, avoiding Tai Shi's eyes. "I really do appreciate it. I think it's the best meal I've had since...ever." He paused, looking down at his half eaten plate of food. "I just wish my siblings could have enjoyed it, too."

"Aww. Don't sweat it. You're a great older brother." She looked at Tai Shi. "And master has—"

"Oh Fei, I saw Shu playing with the other dogs by the courtyard. She's made more friends in a day than you've made in your life." Tai Shi smirked.

"Oi. I make QUALITY friends." She returned Tai Shi's smirk. "Besides, I don't see you with anyone besides me and your cat." The group engaged in polite laughter.

The rest of dinner continued with that laughter and lightheartedness. Zan Yu felt more comfortable around these new people. Mostly. Kuo would routinely try to convince Tai Shi that the current method of governing was all wrong. Nuwa would chime into different conversations with her own stories and opinions. She was much more talkative than he first thought. On the other hand, Liling would mostly observe and make short calculated statements if she was not giggling with Meili at things Zan Yu just couldn't understand. Qiu tried to talk to Meili once, but their conversation fell short. He kept looking at Tai Shi. Fei was good at making everyone laugh and feel included with her dirty jokes and constant references to her favorite novels. To Zan Yu's relief, she did not bring up his relationship with Tai Shi... if there even was one.

The plates were empty, and the bellies were full. Meili stood and gathered the attention of the group.

"Okay, everyone. You all have to join me in the lounge for a games 'til sunset." Zan Yu gazed out of the window. The sun had just touched the ocean. They had about an incense stick's worth of time to play before the sun disappeared under the water.

Liling stood up. "Ooo, I'll go ask Yan if he can play with us." She left the dining room first. The rest of them got up and began to follow Meili. Qiu stopped Tai Shi by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry, I have to talk to Tai Shi for a moment." Tai Shi faced Qiu and nodded. "We'll clear the dishes while we're here." Something felt off about Qiu. Zan Yu followed the others out of the doors, but waited just outside.

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