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I did my secondary school levels in Ntuzuma Township , near KwaMashu in Durban , (Std 7 & Std 8 as they were referred to, at the time ).
I was living with my brother , who was a teacher at a local Teacher's College . As boys those days , we would go and look for temporary jobs over weekends in surburbs like , Durban North , Redhill and Lalucia . We would do odd jobs like , working in the garden for white folks or push grocery trolleys in shopping centres , to get some pocket money . I was lucky to get a temporary job in one of the supermarket retailers in Lalucia , to push trolleys for their customers , who were predominantly white at the time . This was at the period , when South Africa was still divided along racial lines . Blacks and Whites were living separately . The supermarket did not pay us , we got paid through the tips that customers gave us , when pushing the grocery trolleys to their cars . We were expected to sweep the supermarket floor everyday after it's closure to secure our trolley jobs . I made some money on my first weekend there , and I was over the moon. I decided to, first , go to town to spoil myself a little bit before going home . I was going to do this , just to celebrate , getting my first job and my first pay that weekend.
I headed straight to the OK Bazaar in West Street , in Durban . While at the OK , I went to the music section and searched for some nice music . I came across one of my favourite artists , Letta Mbulu's album featuring a track that I loved so much , " Music in the air " . I decided , there and then , to buy that album. I went home afterwards , on my arrival at home , my brother noticed that I was carrying something , and asked me what it was , and I showed him . He was so disappointed , he asked me if that was all I could think of buying with the money . When I saw his reaction , I felt bad , and for a short while I blamed myself for having made a wrong decision. I did not even think of saving a bus fare to go to work the following weekend . I was only fourteen years old .😊😊😊