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"If we die..we die together..we die fighting..we die laughing..I refuse to have it any other way, and if one of you dies before me, I'll bust you out of hell myself.."

It was cold, wet and miserable. The streets were empty. I liked it that way.

"You think Omega took out the alarms?" I asked while driving.

I turned my head slightly to see the cub loading bullets into our magazines. He turns to me with a spooked expression.

"Yeah sure, just keep your eyes on the road.." he commands. I chuckle.

I pull the handbrake and we sit in a desolate parking area. "Got some nerve giving me commands like that." I say, standing up and grabbing my gear from the back of the van.

He looks up at me with worries eyes. "I'm sorry alpha, I-im just really nervous.." he states, fear present in his tone.

I pat his shoulder as he stands. "Dont worry about it, we'll be in and out before you know it." I shoot him a small smile.

I put on my mask and open the van door, loading my Pistol as I do. Cub follows behind me as I begin to walk through an alleyway.

"So, what is it that we're after again?" Cub questions.

I turn to him and sneer. "Keep it down smartass, we're looking for the shipment details of US firearms." I reinstate. He nods.

"Got it."

As we come out into the open, our target warehouse comes into view. "Time to earn our pay kid.." I whisper. He nods.

As we approach the front gate I spot a cargo truck moving down the road from our right.

"That's our way in, hide quick!" I yell quietly, diving behind a set of crates.

As the truck moves up to the gate I move slowly from behind the crates and towards the truck, cub follows.

We both attach ourselves to the back doors of the truck, allowing for us to get through the gate unnoticed.

As the truck stopped outside of the building, we jumped off and ran behind the building.

As we lean against the wall I hear heavy breathing.

"Alpha..I cant do this, we're gunna die here!" He stresses to me.

I growl and smack his face.

"Listen up kid, we are not dying or getting caught. I have done jobs ten times as hard as this and I came out unscathed. We'll be understand?" I grab his shoulders.

He slows his breathing and nods his head, giving a small smile.

I stand and grab my pistol from its holster. "Let's go.."

We move towards the back door.

As I rest my hand on the handle it opens without me pushing.

My eyes widened as a guard walked out and looked me in the eyes.


his body slumped to the floor in a pool of blood. I turn and growl. Cub had shot him in the head.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I shout at him.

With the noise from the gunshot all of the guards caused a panick. Backup was surely on it's way.

I tightened my fist and walked through the door. With my gun held up.

Luckily the guards had no idea where the shot came from.

While the guards panicked me and cub walked into the archive.

"Check the computers, I'll run through the files." I demanded with venom, he obeyed.

I got on my knees and ran my fingers through the hundreds of files on the desk.

"Alpha, I think I found it!" Cub shouts towards me. I jog over and lean over his shoulder.

"Let me see" I say. He clicks on the document and it opens. Nothing but three words.

Now you die.

I was hit by a wave of confusion.

As I grabbed the mouse and keyboard the building alarm began to go off. "You gotta be fucking kidding me.." I mumble.

I search through the computer to find the security camera feeds. I click on the front entrance, my eyes immediately filled with terror.

Outside waiting for us awaited an army of armed men and snipers.

I slammed the keyboard to the floor and punched the wall. "He played us like a fucking video game!"

Cub stands and looks at me with confident eyes. "You said we wouldn't die, we'll get out right?!" He asks.

I chuckle to myself. "Sure kid..sure..."

"Come on, we can get out from the back" I state.

Me and cub sprint out of the back door and press ourselves against the fence.

"Here I'll boost you up!" I hold out my hands. The shouts of soldiers becoming more clear. Cub steps onto my hands and I push him up to the fence.

Suddenly a sharp pain hits my neck.


As I grab the fence alpha removes his hands and I fall with a thud.

I get back on my feet and look at alpha.

My eyes widen.

He lays there, gargling his own blood, swinging around his arms.

"Alpha!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

I kneel next to him and cover his neck with my hands, blood spouting everywhere.

"Alpha come on, dont die on me. You said we wouldn't die! Alpha!" I beg as he continues to choke on his own blood.

After what felt like an hour, he stops moving and his eyes were rid of all life.
I sit there with blood all over me.

"I'll give you five seconds to run before I gun you down like i did your friend.." a voice shouts.

I turn to see a dozen soldiers stood with a large man.

The man looks at me. "Are you deaf?! I said run you fuck! Run like the wind!"

I panick and jump over the fence, running down into the forest.

As i run bullets fly past me. My breathing at this point was  out of control, I felt like I was going to drop dead.

I kept running, not looking back.

Before I could see what was ahead I launched myself off of a cliff, I began plummeting to the river below.

I screamed at the top of my lungs before my vision faded to black.

The Black Wolf: OLDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt