The Will Of A Titan

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"Well shit..." I mutter.

The soldier guarding me kicks my back. I grunt.

"Quiet demon, save your pitiful words for Lady Coleman." They say, the barrel of their rifle nearly touching the back of my head.

I chuckle and turn my head a little bit to see genesis on her knees with her hands tied.

"Yeah..great plan Blondie." I snigger.

Once again I feel a boot to my back, this time it was alot more forceful.

"I Said quiet!" He yells, putting the barrel point blank to the back of my head.

I clear my throat and look forward.

My eyesight could barely reach over the hull, but what I saw was pretty hard to miss.

A big ass aircraft carrier with the legion written all over it.

Way to get yourself into this one nazagi..

I would happily break free from here and murder all of these guys any other time. But the mention of her name meant I couldn't.

You've got it muddled ain't hunting me..I'm hunting you.

I'll see you very soon.

After a couple of minutes of building tension, we eventually come alongside the carrier. A door into the docking bay opens at the base of the ship.

As the boat enters, we were immediately met with hundreds of soldiers surrounding the bay. It seems we had put on quite a show.

It didn't matter though, I just needed to stay calm and play along with it. Strike when the time is right.

They engineers link the boat to the bay swiftly. Our guards dragging us all up by our jackets.

"Hey easy!" I yell as they push me forward onto the deck.

Then, the asshole from last night walks passed me. They turn and point to us.

"Bring the stragglers to the cells, Lady Coleman wants the nexus." Their distorted voice booms over the loud cheers from the many soldiers.

They begin to walk off with genesis and the others. She quickly turns and mouths something silently.

I nod discreetly as the guard butts me again, forcing me to go forward.

My curiosity takes over, my eyes scan the ship. It was very high tech and polished.

I clear my throat.

"You guys always have a crowd when you bring in prisoners?" I ask with a small smile.

'Umbra' just keeps walking ahead of us. Clearly they weren't in the mood for conversation.

The place was crowded with armed soldiers, some wearing a staggering amount of armour.

I chuckle to myself a little bit.

"You're finally starting to get sweet.." I mutter while inspecting the burly soldiers.

We had been walking for a couple of minutes, they lead me to a pressure seal door in which opens. My eyes are immediately met with another pair.

The catch was I had to lean my head back slightly to see them. This guy was no joke.

The blonde beast steps out of the door and stands beside it.

I look around at my guards and shrug.

"You want me to go in?" I ask with a stern face.

Umbra nods while crossing their arms.

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