For every rose, a thorn

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The soothing sound of rain drops was enough to put me to sleep last night, this morning however..well..

I wrap the pillow around my head and growl, the rain just wouldn't fucking stop!

The thunder had died down but that was like gunshots going off in every direction.

Luckily due to Rae's engineering skills we managed to get the heater working again. Thank god for that.

Lewis and Raezel seemed really close, almost like brothers.

My life was finally going to be normal. No more fighting. No more suffering..

Well..that was until this morning..


"Last night the world was informed that the capital of russia, Moscow had fallen victim to a severe terrorist attack." The radio says as we all sit in the dining room. 

I look at the radio and put down my fork.

"Hundreds of people were killed and multiple buildings were bombed. This could be seen in the footage captured by some of the present pedestrians, unfortunately..hardly any of them got to make statements about it.." the presenter says, clearing her throat.

Raezel shakes his head and turns from the oven, clenching his fists. "Fucking extremists..should have finished the job in Afghanistan.." he growls.

Haven't had an attack like this since the.. well I don't even know..

Raezel walks over the table and sits down. I look at him.

"Didn't you say more people lived here than just one?" I ask.

He looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, three people live here. Lewis, a dumbass named Ian, and well.." he stops and chuckles.

I look at him and lean my head. "What is it?"

"I'll let you meet the last one in your own time.." he says, a grin on his face.

I nod and hum. "Sure.."

What was so interesting about this last person..?

I yawn and stretch my left arm, standing up off of the chair.

"You got a shower?" I say as lewis walks past, he stops and looks at me.

He shrugs. "Nah we just use the piss poor weather.." I look at him, concerned.

He sighs and tuts. "Course we have a shower ya fucking mug. Upstairs, second door on the right."

I chuckle and scratch my nose. "Heh..right.."

As I walk up the stairs he launches a towel at me. "Dont forget this."

I nod and smile. "Thanks Lew.."

He shakes his and and scoffs. ,

"Prick.." he mumbles as I climb the stairs, a grin on my face.

Second door on the right..

I come to the door and smile, grabbing the handle and pulling it down.

It was a fairly large bathroom, the shower was really fucking big.

I laugh and put my hands on my hips.

"Finally, some good fucking news."


The warm water hits my skin rapidly, I hadn't felt as relaxed as this since..well..ever..

My arm was sat on the drawers next to the sink.

The Black Wolf: OLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang