Melting point

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"So, Mr Nazagi...tell me.." the Colonel begins, examining multiple files.

I hold my arms crosses and look at him with a blank expression.

"Why are the legion here in england?" He asks, looking up at me while tapping his fingers on the table.

I shake my head and scoff. "You ask me like I know, sir."

He chuckles and stands up out of his seat, I watch him in the corner of my eye.

"Well you must know something, you wolves were on their case for months." He states, circling the table with a raised eyebrow.

I shake my head and sit back in my seat, looking up at him.

"I'm not a part of them anymore. I don't have to tell you shit. Mustang." I spit back.

He sighs and facepalms.

"Oh? Tell me about that." He responds with curiosity.

I growl slightly and slam my fist into the table.

"I'm not telling you jack shit! You bastards said you'd handle the legion, and look where you are now! Begging me for help!" I snap, grinding my teeth.

He recoils slightly and stands still looking at me with his hands on his hips.

"Look kid, I know you've been through alo-"

"You have no fucking idea what I've been through!" I hiss, cutting him off.

He groans slightly with annoyance.

I stand up and grab my bag, glaring at him as I do.

I pace towards the door.

"Had enough of this shit." I mutter as I grab the handle.

Suddenly, his hand grasps mine, I look at him wide eyed.

He wore a face of anger and impatience.

"Listen Mitchell, the world is on the brink right now." He looks away and finds his words.

"You're either with us, or against us. What is it?" He asks, gripping my hand.

I scrunch my face and shake my head.

"I'd rather watch the world burn." I spit back, tearing my hand away and storming out of the room.

Fucking asshole..

I caused this fire.

I'll put it out myself.

As I stamp my way down the corridor, I go by Raezel and Mori, both of them exchanging words.

"Mitch where are you going?" He yells, catching on to me.

I continue walking, turning a blind eye to them both. Both of my hands were clasped together.

He jogs up beside me and follows me through the hall.

"What did he say?" He asks, trying to keep up with me.

I just look straight ahead.

"Nothing worth sharing." I mumble, walking with a stern expression.

He hums suspiciously as we exit the building.

I didn't have the time nor patience to talk right now. I had to get to the hospital. This shouldn't have happened in the first place, I know exactly why it did.

I pace over to Raezel's car and stand by it. They both catch up panting.

"Mitchell..What the fuck are you doing?" Raezel asks between deep breaths.

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