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NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, stories or events, are fictitious.



Dexter Wright

Age: 40

Marital Status: Single

Background: Owner of Red Roses, has a huge business and loaded with cash. He is always hanging around the VIP room. (Who knows what he is up to?)

Likes: Gorgon Dry Gin, Women, Cash

Dislikes: Rude attitudes, Peanuts

Notes: N/A


Charles Doberman

Age: 24

Marital Status: Married to Samantha Doberman

Background: A close friend of mine since we were kids. Nothing more to say than that he works with me in a detective agency right next to the local bar Red Roses.

Likes: Chocolate pudding, puppies, plays with a pencil (a lot)

Dislikes: Being in crowded areas, people with an attitude, lemons

Notes: N/A


Phillip Brown

Age: 45

Marital Status: Married to Maya Brown

Background: A Gentlemen at heart and an electrician, he usually comes to the office to fix the damn Air-conditioner in the office. It's nice to have a guy like him around.

Likes: Hotdogs, Jazz, Family

Dislikes: Motorcycles

Notes: N/A


Elizabeth Rivera

Age: 30

Marital Status: Single

Background: A kind and spontaneous woman working as a DJ in the radio station spreading music and news around town. 

Likes: Coffee, Music, Staying up through the night

Dislikes: Headphones

Notes: She invited me to have a cup coffee with her tonight maybe I should pay her a visit soon.


Mia Atkins

Age: ????

Marital Status: ????

Background: Never seen a woman like her before, I spotted her behind the Red Roses before

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