Chapter 5 Isolation

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NOTE: This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, stories or events, are fictitious.


Date: January 8. 1989

Time: 9:32 AM

Chapter 5 Isolation

Secrets kept within?

I woke up around at 8 and Valentine wasn't in bed with me, I walked downstairs and I saw Valentine cooking in the kitchen I can see that she is making omelets judging by the 4 eggs she is using, she looked at me as I was walking down the stairs, and greeted me with a warm smile.

"Morning William," she said.

"Morning Valentine, sorry to keep you waiting last night," I replied.

"It's fine, I had a wonderful dream last night, so how's work?" she asked.

"I will be working from home now" I replied.

She said, "oh I see, well ok let me make the breakfast I bet you tired from last night."

I went to the kitchen a grabbed the salt shaker "Don't worry let me help you"

As I was going to add salt to the eggs, Valentine grabbed the salt shaker and looked directly at me.

"I'll do the cook for today ok"

I don't know what to do so I just smiled and let her be and she just smiled as she was preparing the omelets.

I went to the garage and grabbed the boxes and carried them inside and down to the basement, as I turned on the lights, there was nothing in the room, just a dusty room with 2 bookshelves and a whiteboard. I dropped the boxes and then back up to the garage to grab more. After 15 minutes of heavy lifting things to the basement I can feel my legs wanted to tremble, as I placed the final box down I just collapsed and I exploded with joy over the carrying I had done.

"Maybe soon I have to get in shape."

I can hear Valentine calling me from above, I think breakfast is ready. I removed some dust from my clothes and walked back up to the kitchen. I can smell the Fried bacon, the freshly brewed coffee in the coffee maker, and I can see Valentine just standing before the table.

"Ready for breakfast?" she asked with a gentle smile.

And I said, "You cooked all this, of course, shall we eat?"

"Let me get the coffee first" she rushed to the kitchen as I sat down on my seat, and in front of me was a huge cooked ham and cheese omelet in the middle of the table, with 6 pieces of buttered toast and gravy sauce on another bowl. Valentine came over and laid down 2 mugs on the table and started to fill them up with the brewed coffee she made earlier. She went back to the kitchen and she hanged the apron and sat down in front of me. And we began to dig in. I took a bite from the buttered toast and made a crunchy sound as I dug my teeth into the bread. I can taste the melted butter warm and a bit runny but it is delish. I watched Valentine drizzle her omelet with the gravy and started to cut them up to pieces. She looked at me. I flustered and tried to look away, she stabbed the sliced omelet and reached it out to me. She started to turn red and said.

"William say ahhhhhh"

I looked at her and judging from her looks she was shy but she looked directly at me.

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