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"why would you play with a chicken's egg while the chicken is right in front of you?!"  

"why can farmers take the eggs without a scratch while the stupid bird pecked my fingers to oblivion?" 

at this point, even i don't know what's happening, or even how it got to this point, but good ol' author will take you to the beginning to figure out what the fuck happened. 

𝕷𝖊 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐

Pulling up to the sunrise cafe at 10:50 in the morning wasn't how eunseo wanted to spend her day off, but if it's for jeongin, then to hell with it at this point. 

she made sure her grey cropped hoodie looked brand new, and hoisted up her leggings, before locking her car and walking inside the cafe. her eyes immediately found their way to jaehyuk's, the owner's son, and he smiled at her politely, before pointing to the stairs, and the sign that said 'private area: VIP reserved'

she bowed at the male, smiling a bit, before walking up the stairs, past the curtains and smiling to jaehyuk's older brother jihoon, who smiled back and told her to take a right. whenever they would have off days that fitted together with each other, they would either stay home, or visit the sunrise cafe. ms. do had became so fond with the two of them, and because of jihoon's and jina's knowledge with idols, they made sure they were always in a quiet area whenever the couple would come.

she sat down at the table she saw jeongin at, and they both started laughing once they spotted each other. here jeongin was, sitting down with a black stray kids hoodie, along with matching joggers, and his feet adorned with white jordan 11 retro's.

"well good morning to you too eungie."

"good morning you weird being. it's literally 22° outside and you're in a hoodie and joggers."

"you're in a hoodie and leggings. and what is that? a shirt under it too? you're the weird one here."

they both laughed at each other again, before jina, the owner's daughter comes to them and smiles, before taking their orders and going downstairs to let the kitchen staff attend to it.

"how was the interview yesterday, by the way? i only got to ask you if you didn't question them about the stupid article."

"it was terrible. i swear the fans will pick up on literally everything. you know how ryujin always sits close to me? she didn't do that. chaeryeong was glaring at me like i killed her kids and raped her cat. halfway through the interview the others found out, and i swear i had to beg my boss to not send out the interview at all. it was seriously terrible. and then, shimmer came after them, and they told me that chaeryeong was being so bitchy with them when they passed and bowed. shimmer didn't fucking deserve that yangie. ahㅡ i ranted, sorry."

"don't apologize, girl. tell me everything. i asked about the interviews, i expect to hear about the interviews."

just as eunseo went to speak, jina and jihoon comes back with the sandwiches and coffees, placing them on the table and wishing them a good time or something. jeongin asked jina when their break was, and when she told him that it was at 2pm, he told her that when the time comes, all of them should come upstairs to have a round at noraebang. jina didn't refuse, knowing that jeongin is headstrong and doesn't let no be an answer for him, so she nods, and goes to tell her brothers about the plans.

"i swear you treat jina like she's a child. the woman's twenty three for crying out loud. jihoon's twenty four and jaehyuk's nineteen."

"i know how old they are eungie. i just want to let them have fun during their break. plus jina's singing voice is amazing."

eunseo nodded to that, and they both dug into their food and drinks. they made additional comments here and there, telling each other about the last week and a half, with jeongin mentioning that reina sat in front of jyp's office for four hours, demanding that eunseo come on board, before not talking to him for three days because he said no. after the food and drinks were consumed, jeongin placed his hand above eunseo's, which causes her to give him her undivided attention.

"so, this is a long overdue topic, but my ban got lifted."

jeongin could feel how eunseo stiffened, but he didn't say anything about it, instead waiting for her to say or do something before he would continue. all he got was a nod in response.

"jyp told us, that anyone who has someone in mind, or are at least in the talking stage with someone, please tell him, so that we can avoid any rumors and scandals from making shift. obviously, because this is long overdue and fans are really delusional, like he said, arose thereof a rumor, in which he isn't going to confirm nor deny, unless he hears from both parties regarding the manner. i already gave him my answer, but i also wanted to tell him about us. i didn't though, because i wanted both you and i to come to an agreement as to when we wanted the world to know about us. it doesn't have to be now eungie, let me tell you, but whenever you want to, we will let stays know about it, okay?"

"do you want to tell him now yangie?"

jeongin intertwined their fingers together, before looking in her chestnut orbs, before sighing and telling her what has been on his mind for the past few days.

"at first, i wanted to tell him as soon as we went on stage for the conference, kill two bird with one stone you know? but as i thought more about it, i realized what telling stays would do for me, and for you. i remembered when felix and reina told everybody about their relationship, and it opened my eyes to so many things. the international fans were so happy for felix, and wanted both felix and reina to last, but the korean fans, they bashed reina. for months and months, they said awful things to her. wrote death threats in letters, someone even mailed her a doll that looked like her and covered it in fake blood."

eunseo's mouth hung open, obviously not knowing about the full extent of the entire thing. sure, she saw the korean hashtags, and although she didn't know reina or destiny that well when it happened, she defended her against the haters online. she didn't know that they did stuff to her in person as well. what if they did that, to her? eunseo's plate was already full with so much stuff at this point, if people did that to her, she knew she wouldn't keep herself together. they already knew her, where she worked, what she looked like, all of her social media.

"reina, because of those threats and such, made everyone aware that although the words and threats hurt her, that she gave absolutely zero fucks about what everyone thought about their relationship, and that she was going to be with felix until he got tired of her. after that, she was respected by most of the fans, but still, to this day, there are a few fans that still send stuff to her, and over time, i know it's something that hurts her."

jeongin breathed in, and out, before looking into eunseo's eyes as he said his next paragraph of words.

"although i wanted to tell everyone as soon as the anchor lifted and the boat set sail, your safety and happiness is my top priority. there are times when you'd get just like reina, but there are other times were you would need to be to yourself and you would want to cry and be vulnerable to yourself. no matter how long we take to send the news out, people are not going to like us together, but this isn't about them. this is about us. and i make it my plan to wait as long as you want to, before telling stays about us. as long as it takes."

afterwards, they had set a date, and took their minds off of it for a while, before talking about everything and nothing. finally, 2pm came, and jina, jihoon and jaehyuk was all there, ready to use the karaoke machine on the other side of the the upstairs lounge, singing to their heart's content.

overall, they had a great time. and after their break ended, jeongin and eunseo went back to sit down, with jeongin talking about how they carried him to the farm and how his fingers got pecked to oblivion because he wanted to touch the eggs.

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