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we would now like to interrupt your regularly scheduled program with a chapter of relix😎 thank you so much for your cooperation

~reinahwanggg (레이나 황)

felix stood by the counter as the song played over, and the six humans got back into their positions to go over the choreography once again. over the years, destiny has made a name for themselves with stunt filled, hard hitting choreographies, or with soft, minimal ones, according to whatever they produced. their fame skyrocketed in late 2019, when they released the song 'tired' that immediately started with a slow motion of jihye being thrown in the air as she performed a double back flip, before yawning and placing her hand in front of her mouth.

their stunt like moves were always difficult to replicate and alter, so their dance practices, and tutorials for their proclaimed point moves gained a lot of attention. he expressed his concern about it a million times to soojin-nim, but she told them that if they didn't wanna do the choreography, they would've told her. how only one person got injured during their entire four year run still amazes him to this day.

he doesn't wish for them to be injured, oh gosh if another one of them does ger injured he'd have an emotional breakdown, but they always took time to go over their choreography, and more often than not, would have to schedule them in different buildings, because sometimes they would need a higher ceiling for their stunts, or other times soojin would say it's better for them to feel the lyrics with the scenery to match so that they can dance better.

this comeback was different though, and for the first time in their four year run, they mixed their choreography tactics together. less stunts, but more hard hitting moves. less soft dancing, but more minimalistic moves, if that makes sense. usually stunts and steps happened during dance breaks, and because of this, there was a lot of open space in their songs. not the best idea, but if you're trying to get someone to sing and throw their member in the air at the same time, then you're crazy.

they had reverted back to their debut style, with the latin inspired instrumental, and easy to follow choreography with a little bit of flips and stunts. the pairings were the same as well, with hui yin and hayato, kendrick and jihye, and caleb and reina.

the pairs were so wholesome that it made felix's heart swell in joy when he sees reina smiling as she shakes back in forth while caleb does the same. they then get into positions and move to the beat, with their hands in position, legs and waists twist and step as the beat rings into their ears. it goes on like this for a minute or two, with a few twirls and a dip, and then they stand beside each other, the hard hitting choreography coming into place once again.

"you're smiling again."

felix hears from beside him, and although he doesn't want to, he flinches at the sound of her voice, before smiling nervously at the slightly taller female.

"oh come on felix, don't get nervous with me now. i'm surprised you even like this one. you said no to when i wanted to make a dirty dancing reference two comebacks ago. you said no when i wanted reina to do the helicopter stunt for tired. you said no when i wanted her to do the splits. you even said no when i wanted her toㅡ"

"i get it soojin-nim, i often don't agree with your choices in dance moves, but this one is so wholesome. i like seeing her smile like that when she dances."

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