Ron x reader- Your girlfriend won't do anything to you

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You are a half-blood, in 6th year, and in Gryffindor.

Y/n's POV:

You were in 6th year. Ron had a girlfriend named Lavender. She wasn't too annoying at first, but she started to snog Ron every piece time she got free. I was fuming. One day, I marched up to Ron.

"What?" he asked.

"Please keep your snogging AWAY FROM ME!" That had made Ron mad.

" Who cares. Are you crazy?! You don't have a boyfriend. Doesn't mean I can't express PDA!"


"WELL! SO??!!!" Ron yelled. Thank God we were alone.

" DO IT!" 

"NO!" He punched my nose. (Sorry Ron Grls! :( )

I gasped and ran. "Wait!" Ron yelled. And I blacked out.

Few days later in the hospital wing......

I woke up. My nose!


A few days later again........

I was out of the hospital wing. Finally. And I saw Ron and Lavender snogging in the corridor. I didn't speak for days until a professor called me. I was a bit sick, to tell you. I didn't like seeing my crush snogging someone else.

Do you?

If you do, you know what it feels like.

       One afternoon, Ron came up to me. 

"I am sorry."

I looked up.

"Really! Are you okay?"

"It's been days, Ron, DAYS. And you simply say 'sorry'?

"I mean it."

"You can go snog Lavender." I continued writing my homework.

"I broke up with her." I looked up now, shocked.


"Yes, I love another girl." I tried to be happy. "Really?"

"Yes, she is so cute. Do you have advice?"

"Um..... Maybe - Maybe you can, um..... you can...... ask her out and confess, your style." I tried my best to smile.

" Oh, thanks!" he smiled.

"Okay, here goes. Bye!"


30 minutes later, Ron came back. " I want to talk to you."


Then he spilled out everything. "Will you go out with me?" he asked.





Okay guys, that was horrible. Trashy. But, I hope you enjoyed, guys! 

Comment down below and have a good day!

~ wowgirllz 

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