Chapter 2 - The First Changes

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"...good job baby. Now, I think that baby needs to get changed." The voice exclaimed, "Lay out your changing mat, baby" In my trance I obey, laying out the changing mat on the floor. "Good job baby, now diaper yourself up" the voice said in a more demanding tone, so I grab a diaper and the baby powder and get to work. I lay down the diaper, sprinkle some powder on the inside, lie down on the diaper and powder myself up, and finally tape up the diaper on myself.

As I was about to stand up the voice said "wait, baby. How about you triple layer your diapers!" So I reach over and grab another 2 diapers and swiftly tape them on. "Oh AMAZING job baby, now I want you to put on your locking plastic panties and onesie, and make sure you lock your panties baby!" The voice told me, so of course I did it, I pulled the plastic pants over my very thick diapers and pulled it snug, then I locked it and threw the key into a box of individual diapers. I then pulled on my onesie and did all of the snaps. I then stood up and waited for my next orders.

"Oh baby, you look so cute! We are almost done for today, so let's make this quick. When I say the words 'wake up baby' you will wake up and have no memory of anything you have done during your trance, you will also only use your diapies for pee pees and poo poos, you will be permanently incontinent as well, so you will not feel when you need to make pee or poo, and of course you will think that it's completely normal, your normal is, was, and forever will be diapers." The voice explained and I nodded my head, "you will also only wear infantile clothing such as; onesies / rompers, overalls or coveralls, sweatpants and a tshirt on special occasions, and just a diaper. You can also wear a bib at anytime. Again, this is your new normal. And now when you wake I want you to make a big messy in your diapies for mommy " she said, and with a few moments for it all to sink in she said "wake up baby."

I woke up and immediately crouched over and started filling my diapers. I filled up my first diaper to the brim and then the flow slowed to a stop. I stood up and started waddling away like nothing happened and started thinking out loud "I gotta get out of here, thankfully I found some diapers before I made a mess on the floor though!" I then walked- no. Waddled around the building looking for exits and found none, "dammit it's completely sealed and the roof vents are 40 feet high so I guess I'm trapped here for the time being" I said as I let another load into my diapers. "Hopefully people are looking for me!" I said with cautious optimism.

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