Ch. 1

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I wasn't gonna make this, but here we are.

Remus was with Roman in the Imagination.

They were watching the sunset, no words being exchanged between them. It wasn't an awkward silence, no. It was comfortable, like a mutual understanding between them.

It had almost been a month since everything had happened. Remus taking Roman's place, Patton's true intentions being exposed, Janus' name being revealed. It was surreal to think that all of that began because Remus' sensed a bad feeling emanating from his brother.

Roman had been seeing Emile for a bit, now. He was instantly very receptive to the therapists techniques, as they all assumed he would be. Virgil had been nothing but supportive, having sessions with Picani as well.

Remy didn't come around often. He stayed to himself usually, like always.

The rest of them? Apart from the twins (who made it a point to check on each other constantly), they had begun to drift away from each other.

It wasn't like they didn't enjoy each other's company. Quite the contrary, actually. It was just that, the only time they spent together usually involved Patton.

Little groups began to form. Prinxiety would be together most of the time. The twins were nearly inseparable (which meant Remus had been seeing a lot of Virgil recently). And the others would usually keep to themselves.

No one liked the change.

And the worst part about this entire situation?

They still had yet to tell Thomas anything.

They had agreed to leave Thomas in the dark unless the need arose for them to tell him.

He had yet to summon any of them, since he hadn't faced a dilemma in awhile. They were all aware that Patton could he summoned, so never interacting with him was impossible. Thomas could summon Patton whenever he wanted, but Patton would return to the subconscious after sinking out.

"Is something on your mind?" Roman asked. Remus hadn't even realized he had been spacing out.

"I hate this." Remus mumbled, huffing.

Roman frowned. "Really? I quite like this sunset--"

"No--I--Not the sunset. The sunset is fine." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Then what?" Roman asked.

"This!" Remus waved his hands around. "This separation! And don't tell me you haven't noticed it, I can tell you have! Even Virgil has been looking gloomier, and I didn't even know that was possible!"

"Well, what are we going to do about it?" Roman spat. "If anything related to Patton comes into contact with Logan, he disassociates like crazy! And don't even get me started with Janus--"

"We can do something! A movie night! An adventure in the Imagination! Anything! I'm sick of having silence follow me around." Remus crossed his arms, huffing.

"Me too, Ree." Roman sighed, looking back at the sunset. "Me too."


Remus and Roman looked behind them.

"Oh, hey Cass." Remus hummed.

He stood there, staring blankly at them.

Cassius hadn't officially been accepted into the group. They were planning to just let him hang around them until he got the idea.

One would never be able to tell what "mood" Cassius was in, until you began speaking to him. If he doesn't see you, he'll usually just do whatever it is he's doing with a completely neutral expression on his face. The second you approach him, however, he'll put on the expression of the emotion he wants to convey.

One of the reasons why Remus used to like him so much, was because he never had an opinion on anything. He would often join Remus in the Imagination for his torture fantasies.

Everyone was tense around Cassius, and there was no doubt that he had noticed. He usually stayed in his room, playing with some sort of puzzle.

"Decei--Janus wanted me to get you. He said we're having a dark side meeting." Cassius told him.

Remus glanced at Roman. Roman rose a brow. "What the fuck are you looking at me for?"

"Well, I don't know if you want me to stay with you--"

"I'm not a toddler, Ree. I'll be fine on my own for a bit. And if I get lonely, I'll go hang out with Virge. Go have your pow-wow." Roman rolled his eyes, giving him a friendly shove.

Remus nodded, standing up. "Let's go, then." He told Cassius.

They sunk out together.


The two of them rose up in the dark side common room.

"Did he give you any specific reason why?" Remus asked.

"Nope." Cassius hummed, popping the p. "He just said to get you, Ree-Ree! I was in the middle of my new puzzle too! I found LOADS of them in my room the other day!"

Remus snorted, knowing that he had made all of those puzzles himself. It was Cassius' birthday a few days ago, and Remus seemed to be the only one who remembered.

Cassius didn't hold it against them, because he himself didn't remember. He only realized the day after, and sulked about it the entire day.

Remus had noticed that Cassius had taken quite a liking to jigsaw puzzles, time based puzzles, strategic puzzles, any sort of puzzle, really. Remus didn't ask why, because he didn't really care.

"Welcome, boys."

They both turned towards the couch, spotting Janus sat on it.

He sighed. "We need to talk."


Was this written in the middle of the night? Yes, and what of it?

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